Page 174 of The SongBird's Love

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Eden froze. Circé had already talked? Why? She rolled her eyes to herself. Perhaps she shouldn’t have saved that woman, after all... Yet, to her surprise, Dante didn’t add anything. She frowned.

“...Aren’t you going to ask why they’d be after me?”

“I have a rough idea.”

Of course. He already knew she was Ghost because he overheard her confirming it. He also knew of her relationship with the Architect, but it wasn’t exactly a perfect explanation as to why the Core would be pursuing her. Still, Eden didn’t push the matter any further. Judging from Dante’s reaction, or lack thereof, she could already guess whatever the Core was after wouldn’t change things for him. At least, not his strange obsession with her...

“We still need to talk to the other Zodiacs, Dante,” she whispered. “With what happened, no one can stand to the side anymore. We have weapons and the Core sent men right here to the Suburbs. It won’t be long before they send some sort of retaliation, and since the Snake already fell, the Dragon will...”

Before she could finish her sentence, the machine suddenly stopped and left Dante’s side.

He moved immediately, pulling her hand to have her fall awkwardly on top of him. Eden grimaced and immediately tried to get away, worried she might reopen his injuries, but Dante was holding on firmly, a sneaky smile on his lips. He was not going to let go. She grumbled, and as she had been pulled in that strange position over him, she had to climb further onto the table, or she’d fall to either side soon from the struggling.

“Dante,” she called him out, annoyed.

His eyes were still closed, but from that snarky smile, he clearly did all this on purpose and ignored her pissed-off tone. He wouldn’t release her hand at all either, even as she angrily slapped his shoulder. In fact, his other hand moved to pull her hip until she was straddling him, her knees on both sides of his flank. Eden was even more annoyed that he had completely ignored her serious speech earlier to get her in this flirty situation instead. Now, while his hand was still stubbornly holding hers, he had the other one moving on her hip, sneaking under her shirt. She wanted to slap him until he dropped that smug smile from his lips, but she knew it would be useless, and she wasn’t too keen on aggravating his freshly stitched-up injuries. Instead, she sighed and glanced toward the door, aware no one would dare bother them.

“Stop fooling around...” she muttered, not very convinced herself.

“I am not fooling around. Only with you.”

Eden made a pout, a bit annoyed that she was blushing from those words. She really didn’t know how to resist him. When she dared to look down again, his golden eyes were open, making his wry smile even harder to endure. She slapped him again, weakly this time.

“...Don’t do that again.”

“What?” she asked, well aware it couldn’t be about her weak slaps.

“Running off where I can’t see you. Stay with me.”

His serious tone cooled the atmosphere around them a bit. Eden let out a faint sigh. Her hands were now on his stomach, one of Dante’s still over hers. The other one was lazily caressing her hip, and playing with the lace of her panties.

“You know it couldn’t be helped.”

“Not next time.”

She let out a faint sigh. No promises could be made. Instead, she simply glanced down at his damaged yet still superb body. Her finger slowly went up the line of his abs, making him suddenly tense under her. Eden smiled, while his eyes went noticeably darker. She liked to be the one doing the teasing... and see how he reacted to it. There were no words between them, but their gazes locked on each other; as she slowly moved up, his skin reacted with the hairs standing up, and his muscles grew even more defined with each breath he took. She could feel the heat slowly climbing in the cold room. Her body was warming up, especially the part sitting on top of Dante, and her palm caressing his torso.

Unable to endure anymore, Eden slowly leaned forward to kiss him. She had no idea why she wanted to do this, but she chose not to resist that push. She wanted his lips, and the way he hungrily kissed her, caressed her, and grabbed her. She liked the forcefulness in his movements, yet he was so respectful and wary of her reactions each time. It was as if Dante knew exactly where the limit was, where he could bring her to the edge without forcing her past it. Delicious shivers went down her spine and she kept leaning on top of him, her half-wet hair falling to the side while his hand fondled her butt cheek. Eden had begun slowly moving her lower body without thinking, rubbing back and forth against Dante’s lower regions. She could feel him react, their bodies excited despite the layers of fabric in between. He was still wearing his suit too; although his top had been removed, Eden wouldn’t complain about that.

They kept kissing, although the rest of their bodies were obviously eager for more. They were both moving unbearably slow as if taunting the other was their new favorite sensual game. A game they were both happy to lose, though. Eden slowly began opening her shirt, while both of Dante’s hands were underneath it already, getting more playful with her skin. Their lips just couldn’t bear to part long enough for them to undress any faster, though...

Suddenly, Eden sat up and glared at the room all around them. Dante raised an eyebrow, but before he could ask, she sighed.

“Loir. Cameras off, right now.”

“I wasn’t peeking!”

Dante shrugged and kept caressing Eden, leaning on one elbow to sit up and resume their kiss. However, Eden wasn’t into it.

“...He’s still peeking,” she grumbled.

“I don’t care.”

“I do.”

“I can kill him after we’re done.”

“Okay, I’ll stop peeking! I’ll stop! Cameras off, right now!”
