Page 175 of The SongBird's Love

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Ignoring him, they resumed kissing, a bit wilder than before...


Her hips a bit sore and her cheeks a bit red, Eden let out a faint sigh and focused on buttoning up her shirt again. She felt a bit embarrassed by the faint sensation between her legs but tried her best to ignore it, one button after another, crossing her ankles together.

His fingers came from behind to gently brush her blonde hair back, his hot breath sending a delicious wave of shivers down her back. Eden blushed some more as his lips faintly pressed against her skin.

“...Let’s do it again,” he whispered against her neck.

“Only my legs are made of steel, Dante,” she groaned. “...Stop it.”

She tried to push away his chin, but Dante ignored her, as always. In fact, he used that opportunity to grab her wrist and cup his chin in her hand, leaving faint kisses in her palm. He moved to sit right behind her, his legs wide open and his torso pressing against her back. She rolled her eyes and jumped down from the edge of the table to stand up, grateful her legs were made of metal indeed. Otherwise, they surely would have given out under her. Dante was still holding her wrist, so she turned around to face him, trying to forget the passionate sex they had just had.

“We have to go,” she muttered. “I want to find out what that technology was used for. And why your–the previous Tiger, of all people, bought it. Dante, we really need to get moving.”

He sighed, but eventually stood up as well, although he was unwilling to release her wrist. Eden frowned. He was up now, but his pants were still open, and so was the shirt that he’d put back on. Seeing the cheeky smile he gave her once their eyes met, he definitely wasn’t thinking about buttoning that up anytime soon... She grimaced and stepped closer to do it for him. While she was close, of course his hands moved to grab her butt and play with her hair, but Eden ignored his flirty ways.

“Do you know how many weapons we got?”

“They are still counting them.”

“What else did you get from the Yakuza? Only weapons?”

“We lost men, but we found a lot of money. The woman unlocked some accounts for us to prove her worth.”

Eden took a second to understand which woman he was talking about. So he had made a deal with Circé while she was sleeping... No wonder the goth woman was allowed in there with Loir. Eden had already figured Dante only kept useful people or those Eden wanted around and alive. Luckily, Circé belonged to both categories. In fact, she was a bit more interested in the mention of money earlier. She kept buttoning, her fingers a bit clumsy as she was getting nervous.

“The money... H-how much?” she asked, trying to act detached.

“Something like seven or eight hundred million, I believe. Maybe more. Why?”

Eden shook her head and let go of his clothes, now properly arranged. In fact, Dante would probably change into clean ones soon, but at least, his skin or underwear wasn’t exposed anymore when they walked out of this room. She tried to step back, but he effortlessly kept her in his embrace.

“Just... to ask.”

“What do you need money for?” he insisted.

Eden glanced to the side, trying to think of something. However, nothing convincing would come at that moment, and Dante wasn’t easily deceived either. In fact, she was tired of making up excuses and lying. She crossed her arms.

“I just... need some money for a personal matter.”

“How much?”

“...Twenty-two million. That was the bounty you put on my head, right? I want it.”


Eden raised her eyes in shock. Dante’s expression was neutral as usual, despite his fingers still playing with her hair, cupped around her neck.

“S-seriously?” she gasped, her heart beating faster.

“Yes. If you tell me what it’s for. Don’t tell me your legs.”

Eden glared at him without thinking. She should have known Dante wasn’t going to let it be that easy...

Now she was feeling like an idiot for trying to ask and get away with it. She took a deep breath. ...Was it worth telling him the truth? That this money was for her mother? She didn’t like giving him another way to pressure her, but the truth was, he already had plenty. Not only were things going to get pretty dirty now, but she already had no way to go back to her former life. Loir had established himself here, the Core had found her, and soon, there would be a real war starting here. With their recent attack on the Red Temple, all the Zodiacs were probably going to be involved. There might not be ten of them anymore once all of this is over...

While she weighed the few options she had, Dante was surprisingly patient. He was still caressing her neck and waist, but this time, he was staring down at her, his cold golden eyes waiting for an answer. Eden had a gut feeling that he wasn’t waiting to know; he was waiting for her decision to tell him the truth or not.
