Page 190 of The SongBird's Love

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“Sorry,” she whispered against his ear. “I think we really have to go this time...”

“Are you sure we still need him?”

“Please don’t kill him. ...I promise I’ll do it myself if he really crosses the line.”

“Kitty, I totally heard that, you know! You’re so mean!”

Eden sighed, and they quickly left the elevator while Loir kept complaining and whining through the speakers. When they arrived in the control room, he was still going at it.

“You know what?” he said. “That’s it. Mommy’s putting her food down this time. I do not approve of this new boyfriend of yours, you need a better man!”

“It’s foot down, Loir, not food...”

“Well, mine are pretty much gone anyway... and do not change the subject! You need to change boyfriends, Mommy doesn’t approve anymore!”

“You’re not my mom,” Eden chuckled.

She bent over to grab Beer, the puppy rushing to her to ask for pets. Next to her, Dante put his hands in his pockets.

“I can be your daddy then! No, wait... Isn’t it weird if I’m your daddy and you’re with our sugar daddy...?”

“Loir, you’re not my dad either...”

“What? What am I supposed to be then?! I can’t just keep being the creep in the basement... I’m not in a basement anymore!”

Eden raised an eyebrow. So he did know he was somewhat creepy... The hacker made a theatrical grunt, before turning back to his screens.

“I can’t wait to retire,” he grumbled. “Just me, Margherita, my taxidermied toes, and my pizzas on a desert island. Or perhaps an underground basement, but a really cool one this time. With tons of locks and go-karts. Oh, yes, I would love a go-kart...”

“Loir, you’ll retire when we come back alive from this,” sighed Eden. “...Are you ready for today?”

“Can I have a cat?”

“...We already have two pups, why in the world would you want a cat?”

“I want to use my cool boss chair to turn around slowly, make a very deep voice, and say, ‘The plan is ready,’ while petting a cat. A black cat, if possible. Followed by a creepy laugh.”

“Your laugh is creepy enough as it is.”


Eden sighed, and turned to Dante.

“I think we’re ready on this side...”

Rolf arrived in the room, followed by a few of Dante’s men. He quickly glanced at Eden and the pups, as usual, and walked up to his boss to give him a printed document, probably with a lot of information. At the end of the little group that had walked in were Circé and Jack. The two of them had changed clothes, but Circé was still wearing a long kimono-like dress, while Jack had simply put on jeans and a shirt. The two of them quickly detached from the group of Italians to walk toward them.

“Hi, Jack,” said Eden, hugging him.

“Hi, honey. How are ya?” he asked while taking the pup from her arms.

Eden felt like she hadn’t been asked that in a long time. She sighed, and brushed her hair back a bit, taking a second to actually think about an honest answer.

“I’m fine, given... everything,” she finally declared. “How about you, Jack?”

“Yeah, hun... Your creepy partner talks an awful lot, so I think we’re pretty much up to date. I don’t really know if I’m lucky to be alive, or in the eye of a motherf–I mean, safe until the next thing blows up...”

Eden felt a bit sorry for him. She knew Jack aspired to nothing more than a quiet, peaceful life without any trouble, but now, he was in it up to his neck. The bar owner sighed.
