Page 220 of The SongBird's Love

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Eden opened her eyes wide, shocked.

He couldn’t feel pain at all? She looked down, her eyes going to the place he had been injured and had surgery on just a while ago. She remembered his shocked expression when she found the injury. He really hadn’t felt it at all. This explained how he could have such rowdy sex right after the surgery...

“You don’t... feel anything?”

“No, I can feel normally. I just don’t experience pain. It’s a condition that existed before we learned how to manipulate DNA... and it was made illegal to use for genetic modification, but my father didn’t care much for regulations. He made me like this to make me stronger.”

Eden was at a loss for words. She couldn’t imagine not being able to feel pain... What if he got shot? He wouldn’t even notice it until he actually saw it? He had to feel something, right?

Since she looked so lost and shocked, Dante sighed and gently grabbed her hand to kiss it, with a smile on his lips.

“Don’t worry. I feel exactly what I need to...”

Eden blushed, and took her hand back, grabbing her dessert as an excuse to keep it away from him. She knew he was only trying to distract her from his condition, but it was working. She ate her dessert, which was once again very good now that it had cooled... Once she finished her plate, full, she took a sip of wine; Dante had opened another bottle, something a bit more suitable to accompany the dessert. Eden leaned against him, and he put his arm around her shoulders. For a while, neither of them said anything. The pups came to cuddle with them on the couch, and Eden petted them while watching the movie, warmed up in Dante’s embrace, thinking this must be her own definition of happiness...

She woke up to being gently laid down on the mattress. After a minute of trying to figure out where she was and what she had missed, she suddenly realized she had fallen asleep before the movie ended. Next to her, Dante was already lying down under the covers too.

“We didn’t even... do a second round!” she exclaimed, getting up on her elbows.

“We need to get up before dawn. And we can have celebratory sex tomorrow night.”

She looked out the window. It was very dark outside, and probably late indeed... She gave up and laid back down with a sigh. She felt regretful and sorry she had spent so much time watching movies, and they didn’t spend enough time focusing on each other, even if they had cuddled. Yet, Dante didn’t complain at all. He moved to pull her into his embrace, his breathing already slow. He had even taken off her bathrobe, leaving her with only her panties on. She was impressed by his self-control, for once. Perhaps he was tired too, or the alcohol had gotten to his sex drive first... Eden nestled a bit deeper into his embrace, her forehead resting against his shoulder. She loved his smell and the gentle rhythm of his breathing. In the end, he let her have a quiet, worry-free evening. She could still feel the delicious Italian dinner filling her stomach, and a faint taste of sweet wine on her lips. From the end of the bed came two little sets of snores; Beer and Bullet had probably been put up there too... She smiled and closed her eyes, letting herself give in to this quiet little span of bliss.

“Dante... Wake me up a bit earlier tomorrow morning.”

“...What for?”

“That annoying thing you talked about. …Let’s do it.”


Eden woke up to the strange sensation of something hot, rough, and damp against her face. She grimaced, opening her eyes to witness the little pink tongue that was actively licking her face. She groaned and pulled the puppy into her arms, hearing a chuckle above him.

“...Dante?” she mumbled.

“You need to get up.”

She opened her eyes for real and witnessed him putting the other pup in her field of vision, a smile on his face. So he had acquired the fur babies’ help to wake her up... Bullet ran to her, wide awake already, and just like his twin, began enthusiastically licking her face. Beer was struggling to get away from her embrace too, his little body wriggling around. Eden was awake in a matter of seconds thanks to those two. She groaned and sat up, pushing them both on her lap while she grasped the situation. It was still very early, the sun had just begun to rise outside. She was wondering why she needed to be up so early when the previous night’s conversation with Dante all came back to her.

“...What’s going on?” she asked, suddenly a bit panicked.

The man was standing at the foot of the bed with a faint smile on his lips, cautiously putting on his cufflinks, shiny little diamonds that looked as expensive as his outfit. His shirt was white under his dark silk jacket, and it was the first time she saw him wear something other than black...

“Our wedding is in half an hour,” he calmly said. “I tried to let you sleep, but you should really get up.”


Eden’s heart beat like crazy. Why had she said yes again? Since when was she giving in to his whims, so easily too? She vaguely remembered even asking him herself to wake her up a bit sooner, but now that this was all real, a huge ball of stress appeared in her stomach. She took a deep breath and got out of bed, her steps quickly taking her to the bathroom, the pups right behind her. She closed the door behind them and faced the mirror.

“You crazy woman,” she muttered. “What now?!”

She then began splashing her face with cold water just to wake herself up. In the meantime, she was trying to calm down and think rationally. She had been fine with this the previous night. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but there was no use lying to herself. Right now, she was just too nervous. Beer and Bullet, with no clue about her troubles, were playfully chasing her feet and were even more excited when Eden began pacing back and forth.

“Oh, my Kitty is making the wedding bells ring! And... so early too. It’s almost time for my before-dawn gimbap!”

“Not now, Loir...” she sighed, brushing her blonde hair back nervously.

“Easy for you to say! The Big Kitty woke everybody up at 3:00 a.m. to get everything ready while you played Sleeping Beauty! Well, I am a bit happy since I haven’t slept in over a decade, but... Oh, can I be the flower girl? I’m sure I can find confetti or something! …Would shredded mozzarella work?”
