Page 222 of The SongBird's Love

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Eden nodded, a bit helpless. She was so clueless about what was needed for a wedding, she was happy to sit there and let those two work their magic. In fact, she really didn’t care much about the ceremonial part of it. She probably would have been fine with just a signature on paper like they used to do in old times... however, right now, she felt like she was being transformed into someone else. A real young woman, who perhaps would have had a glimpse of a normal life, surrounded by friends before her wedding... Loir even kept playing annoying wedding-themed music in the room. It felt unbelievable that, in a few hours, they would be heading out for a real battle. Eden was feeling strange, as if it was all a bit unreal. Her wedding, being held in the first hours of the day.


She almost jumped when Circé let her go, and Jack appeared right after.

“Get into this!” he ordered, opening the dress for her to step in.

She obeyed, and he pulled it up, carefully closing it in the back. When Circé changed the window’s settings in front of her to turn into a mirror, Eden gasped in surprise. Jack had seamlessly meshed the two dresses together, and the result was even better than anticipated. It was still the dark pink dress underneath, but now, the long, flowy, thin layers of the softer pink dress were making it a bit more ceremonial without overdoing it. The thin lace was modestly covering her neckline and shoulders, but only her chest was actually covered. It even matched her makeup and the elegant, Asian-inspired hairstyle Circé had done with her hairpins for Eden’s blonde hair. She looked like one of those princesses from a fantasy video game, with a surprisingly pure look and lipstick that matched the pink shades of her dress.

“Gorgeous,” sighed Jack. “Ah, I should have been a makeup artist in a previous life.”

“We should get moving,” said Circé. “We don’t have much time, unfortunately...”

Because the dress only reached down to her ankles, and she wore some dark boots, Eden didn’t need any help moving next door.

To her surprise, the living room had been prepared. It wasn’t much, but a few bouquets of flowers had been put up, petals on the floor, some candles here and there, and even more dazzling, Dante was waiting for her, the sunrise behind him. Eden smiled and suddenly, all of her worries flew away. She walked up to him without hesitation, Jack and Circé behind her. Rolf was apparently playing the role of ceremony officer, despite his usual suit. When Dante opened his hand, Eden took it with a little smile.

“Oh my puppies, I’m going to cry,” wept Loir. “I need to take so many screenshots of this scene! I’ll make a poster! A billboard of my Kitties tying the knot!”

“Shut it,” groaned Circé.

Eden could barely hear him. She was just a bit impressed at how elegant Dante was when she thought he couldn’t get any more handsome than usual. She had seen him naked and in different suits, but he took her breath away in this husband-to-be look. He smiled, noticing her insisting stare.

“Loving the view?”

“A lot,” she said. “You?”

“I prefer you naked, I think. Or with only the bed sheets around you...”

Next to them, Rolf loudly cleared his voice, the best way to remind everyone where they were. He had prepared a little speech that was most likely taken from somewhere, about the sacred vow of marriage and everything, but both Eden and Dante listened to very little of it, staring and teasing each other with their eyes along the way.

“Gosh, looking at them, you’d not believe for a second they’re virgins,” chuckled Jack.

“Oh, I can assure you they’re not!” proudly said Loir.

“That was rhetorical, you idiot,” hissed Circé.

They heard him chuckle, but after that, everyone went silent to respectfully listen to the rest of Rolf’s speech. It was unexpectedly long, and Eden glanced to the side, wondering if the usually-stern bodyguard hadn’t paid a bit too much attention to the text...

“The sacred promise of marriage is to be a lifelong one, for the partners to respect, trust, and support each other through the good, the bad, and the unexpected. This union will represent the commitment to your partner despite the dangers ahead of us. Together or apart, you will be bonded, committed to one another forever. This morning, your partner becomes your confidante, your defender, and your weapon through all the trials to come. Everything from then on will be celebrated, mourned, or faced together. Love, trust, and loyalty will be the foundation of this union. …Boss, I am proud to be the one doing this for you today, and–”

“Get on with it,” said Dante, visibly growing a bit impatient too.

He and his second-in-command exchanged a glance, and Eden held in a little chuckle for poor Rolf who had done his best. Just then, the two pups, having recognized their usual feeder, began barking at Rolf. He put down his little piece of paper and grabbed the pups to carry them.

“Now,” he sighed, “please join hands.”

They obeyed, as they were already facing each other. Dante’s hands were firm and hot on Eden’s, and she smiled.

“Do you, Dante De Luca, Tiger among the Zodiac, agree to take this woman as your wife?”

“I do.”

“Why the whole Zodiac thingy?” asked Jack with a frown.

“It’s also a transfer of titles,” whispered Circé. “The SINs will register Eden as his partner and thus, his only heir for his official position. Just an update in the database, sort of.”

“Those hackers...”
