Page 243 of The SongBird's Love

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“Yahoo! Let’s see… Which one will I take to play with?”

Eden sighed, and while Loir was having fun, she glanced toward the tower. She was on the right street, but it still felt too far. Being alone should have allowed her to move quickly and unnoticed, but the backup was also limited, and she was getting worried she wouldn’t make it.

“Eden, we’re almost there,” said Dante, as if he had heard her thoughts at that exact moment.

She could hear that. The gunshots and explosions were coming from almost all sides, but the closest ones were definitely from Dante’s group. She could even recognize Thao’s tank firing relentlessly. Seems like the Rat hadn’t parted with her new favorite toy…

Suddenly, a loud noise coming from the opposite direction made Eden crouch down even lower, her chest almost on the ground. She witnessed the vehicle driving past her, a vehicle full of humanoid robots. She could tell right away that they were soldier bots. They were deactivated and still for now, but that wouldn’t be the case for long. Those things were ten times stronger than a normal human and loaded with weapons. It was like a whole army in one truck. Eden glared at the truck going toward Dante’s position.

She made up her mind at the last second. After a quick glance up, Eden jumped on the truck, her hands grabbing the back door. Her body slammed into the hard surface for the second time in the span of a few minutes, making her grimace in pain, but she held on, quickly finding a position she could maintain. She didn’t plan on staying there long, though. Moving the best and fastest she could, she swung her leg and kicked the back door of the truck repeatedly. This was one of the most ridiculous positions, but she didn’t have time and couldn’t afford to be thrown off either; she only had a couple of seconds.

She heard a loud shot right after the next kick. A hole the size of a coin had appeared right above the handle. She forced herself not to move her upper body or look back. One of the murder bots had found her on the truck. Ignoring it, she kept kicking, doing her best to stick the rest of her body to the truck, hoping the bot would focus on her legs instead; those she could afford to have shot at. And indeed, shot they were. She kept kicking the door’s lock, and a bullet hit her leg. She had to be careful as the bot would soon realize the foreign movement was part of a larger body. Those things were pretty dumb; they could recognize a moving vehicle, but not a human body, so they focused on the movement that seemed odd.

Luckily, the lock and handle fell off a couple of seconds later. Without anything to hold it, the door opened quickly, throwing Eden to the side, and all the soldier bots fell off the truck and rolled down the road. The murder bot opened fire right away on the massive amount of movement it didn’t recognize.

While Eden ran as fast as her legs could carry her to her previous hideout, the bot made a massacre out of the soldier bots that were perfectly functional just seconds before. When she finally got back into a crouched position and looked at the damage, the robots were lying in a pool of their fuel, like dead bodies.

“Nice one, Kitty! Now, that’s some action!”

Eden let out a long sigh of relief. Her legs were damaged, but at least, she had spared Dante’s group from a militia of soldier bots.

“Please tell me you got rid of the other bots,” she groaned, leaning her head against the wall.

“Yup! Just captured Blinky! Oh, my little bots, now you’re all mine to play with!”

Eden nodded and carefully stepped out of her hiding place.

“Send them to Dante’s side,” she said. “How close–”

She heard the gunshot before she felt the bullet. Eden fell down to her knees, her breath caught in her throat while her arm was overcome by unbearable pain.


She quickly rolled to the side, her instincts taking over. She felt all her blood leave her upper body and a cold shiver, the wound sapping all of her strength. Still, Eden was a fighter and used to pain too. She knew she had to react quickly or she’d die in a blink. She threw herself behind a wall, checking to make sure there was nothing else waiting for her. But the steps of the soldiers were already running in her direction. She grimaced. She had made a stupid mistake. She looked down at her injury, her forearm covered in blood, but that sight only made things worse. She could already feel the lack of sensation in her right wrist and hand.

“Kitty shot! I repeat, Kitty shot!” Loir shouted.

“I’m alright,” she managed to say.

“Thao, get fucking moving!” shouted Lecky. “We don’t have time to take names!”

“…I’m going to need a gun,” muttered Eden, realizing she’d lost hers.

She stuck herself against the wall, praying Dante would get to her before the Core’s soldiers. It was a dead-end; she had nowhere to run.

“You’re going to need medical attention first, Ghost,” said Nebty. “We need to get the medical unit to her, fast!”

“Warlock, Thao, we’re running out of time. De Luca and I are going to make a run to her,” said Circé. “Cover us!”

“Inky, Blinky, Pinky, it’s your moment, my babies!”

Eden groaned. She hated to be defenseless, and even worse, in need of being rescued. One thing was certain, though: Dante and Circé wouldn’t make it to her before the Core’s soldiers. She could hear their steps, just seconds away from her. She got closer to the end of the wall, trying to ignore the pain, and getting ready. Her hand and forearm had gone more numb than painful, which wasn’t the worst outcome. She had to survive until they made it there. Perhaps only just a few more seconds…


She moved as soon as the soldier’s silhouette appeared. Using her crouched position, Eden kicked her leg right in his stomach and pulled the gun from his hand with her valid hand, spinning it to take control of the weapon. She shot one, two, three times. The soldier fell back with a shocked expression still on his face, his mouth open. However, Eden didn’t even let his body touch the ground, stepping right behind it and shooting again, toward his allies. There were three of them. Before they could even notice, she shot continuously in their direction, hitting two of them and forcing the last one to retreat away from her. She saw him dive behind a building, just like she had done, and shout for reinforcements.

Since she couldn’t aim at him anymore, Eden stepped back into hiding, trying to take deep breaths. Her head was spinning. She was glad her legs could support her regardless of her condition because otherwise, they would probably have given up long ago. The pain in her arm was becoming unbearable again now that the effects of the adrenaline had passed.
