Page 250 of The SongBird's Love

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“We’ll see, Eden. We’ll see.”

After that, his face disappeared from the elevator screens, which went back to displaying the city of Chicago again.

“...Nebty, is there no way to–”

“No offense, Ghost, but your personal matter will have to wait. We’ve got all hands on deck right now, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s about to get ugly downstairs. You guys should hurry up, I don’t know how long Thao and her people will be able to hold them off.”

After hearing this, Eden nodded, swallowing her feelings the best she could. Dante gently taking her hand helped a lot. They exchanged a glance, and he hugged her quickly as if to give her a bit of comfort. It was very welcome.

Meanwhile, behind them, Circé had run to one of the computers in that room, along with another of Dante’s men who had to have some hacking background. They were both typing quickly, probably opening some doors for the Edge’s people to barge in.

“...The stairs?” Eden asked.

“Right behind you guys. They should be safe to use. You also have another one farther ahead, but it might be a bit more risky. Too tight.”

“Got it.”

She was about to turn to said location when loud sounds suddenly came from above. They all crouched down, eyes on the ceiling, prepared for anything. They were clearly sounds of steps, steps made by several very heavy things.

“Oh, they are taking the party to you, my Kitty!”

“How many?”

“Uh, I’d say there’s the whole class of soldier bots!”

“We don’t have enough people here to face soldier bots,” grunted Circé.

Eden nodded. There were still only the ten people that had arrived on this floor. She turned to the elevators behind her.

“What happened to the others?”

“Half are still downstairs, and two of the elevators we had to stop on the lower floors. They are on their way to you, so the reinforcements are coming.”

“That’s only twenty people at best,” muttered Eden.

“We’re sending the elevators back,” sighed Greed. “Just hold on while you can. You’re going to have to wait, the guys can’t climb sixty floors like that. Plus, we should use the elevators while we still have a hold of them. At least... some of them.”

“...What about six and seven?” asked Eden, who had just seen those two elevators’ numbers light up.

“Not ours...”

“Oh, hold on to your seatbelt, my Kitties!”

A bell rang, and the doors of the elevators began to open. Dante, Eden, and everyone fired at them the second they spotted the soldier bots’ shiny metal. For a few seconds, there was a blinding succession of shots fired, until everyone stopped. The robots fell right where they stood in the elevators.

“Oh, that was one nice firework!” exclaimed Loir, excited.

“And a lot of ammunition was used,” sighed Eden. “Loir, we can’t have more of those coming through the elevators. Get on it.”

“Got you, my Kitty! Room service incoming!”

Just as he said that, the lights to all the elevators, up to the twelfth, lit up. All those above seven were coming from upstairs, the others from downstairs. Eden started to sweat. That was five more groups of robots incoming. She wasn’t sure they’d be able to withstand that many, and the other elevators weren’t there yet…

Suddenly, the number lights began to blink strangely, and the numbers on all the elevators changed from the floor number it was at to an ominous 404.

“There we go!” shouted Loir.

A terrible ruckus came from the elevators, causing everyone to step back with caution, more afraid of Loir’s sudden override than the robots. The numbers on elevators eight through twelve all went crazy, and from the terrible noise she could hear, Eden was almost feeling sorry for the robots inside.
