Page 257 of The SongBird's Love

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“...That’s exactly how he did it,” Eden chuckled. “...He never went offline.”

She found herself chuckling nervously. She was half crying, half laughing. So he really had one last crazy plan... the craziest plan of all. No one else would have done such a thing, or even prepared such an insane idea. Yet, he had done it. He was emptying everything, absolutely everything, all of his crazy genius out there, not only for everyone to see, grab, and take, but to give one last middle finger to the System. All of Loir’s knowledge was now going to be in the open, for any new hacker to learn. All the information they had stolen, for years, was just left out for everyone to see, like on a giant billboard to the world. No wonder the entire world was trying to get online. It was open season on the mastermind of this century’s craziest genius.

“...It’s working,” exclaimed Greed, his smile could be heard in his voice. “The System is starting to slow down from the insane amount of visitors. All the hackers are getting online and finding breaches too!”

“It’s not only the Edge now,” said Nebty. “Every single hacker will want to get into that System with us. The Anarkia program just blew a massive hole in their security!”

Eden smiled, wiping her tears once again. That was Loir’s final goodbye.

“...Thank you, you crazy cat.”

“Girls,” said Nebty. “I’m loving this overload of the System, but the mess isn’t going to last more than a few minutes before they fight back and put everything back in line. We need to find your entry point, and soon!”

Circé and Eden exchanged a quick glance and a nod and went back to scouring through the aisles of the data center, trying to look for a sign, a number, or something, anything that would indicate one of them was useful.

“I-I think I got one,” said Greed. “Number six-hundred–”

“Greed,” groaned Circé, “unless you missed the last ten minutes of us roaming around, there is still no number on these stupid data centers!”

“Oh, sorry, sorry. I don’t have eyes in the room so... Oh, got it. It’s two aisles behind the one you picked, the fourth one on the left.”

Circé and Eden ran to said block, and even confirmed it once more with Greed.

“It can only pull one person,” Greed warned them. “There’s a second one you can use, just three more down to your right, opposite side.”

“I’m going there,” said Circé, following his directions. “Nebty, get me a decent Back Hacker!”

“I’m on you,” chuckled Malieka. “Hope I will suffice... Greed, ready?”

“Ready anytime for you, ladies... Nekhbet, Crash, try to join us. I’m sending you the location point, if you manage to get there...”

“It’s going to take us time to load over there,” sighed Crash. “Everything is so freaking slow... Damn, three minutes of downloading time! What is this, the twentieth century?!”

“Stop complaining and get on it,” retorted Eden.

They waited a few seconds, and she turned to Dante, who had followed her all along. When their eyes met, he wrapped his arm around her waist gently.

“...You ok?”

“I’m holding up. I think... I might need a minute when this is over.”

Her eyes were still red, feeling dry and a bit stingy from all her earlier crying. She sniffled once, feeling her equally dry throat and lips. This was a freaking long day indeed.

“...You stay by my side,” she muttered.

“I’m not leaving you,” he promised. “I’ll guard you, don’t worry.”

“Aren’t I supposed to be the bodyguard...”

“We can watch each other’s backs. Get in there and make them pay.”

This was so like Dante, she thought. He never showed when he was sad or angry. At least, not in his facial expressions. But, he could express himself more violently, with words and actions. She was a bit glad to hear that he was pissed off about Loir’s death too, enough to tell her to get back at their enemies for it. She held his hand with one of hers, while the other grabbed the cables necessary from the data center to connect herself, waiting for Greed’s signal. This was different from Mr. Charles’ computers; she needed a direct connection.

“...I’m sorry about your house,” she muttered.

“I’ll buy a new one. One you’ll like.”

“I liked that one.”
