Page 256 of The SongBird's Love

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“You are not making my shopping session easy... I need at least a couple of minutes to find their classification. It’s gotta be somewhere.”

“We might have to Dive in randomly,” grimaced Circé. “We don’t have time to pick the right one...”

“No,” said Malieka. “You can’t just pick randomly, it would be too risky. What if you get on a useless one, or worse, a trapped one? We can’t put you two at risk. Ghost will need a second Dive Hacker to help her inside. No one else will be able to join you until you both get inside and give us access. You know how this works.”

“Fine, fine... but hurry up. I don’t want to be shot while I’m Diving...” grimaced Circé, eyes on the ceiling.

“We will block the entrances,” said Dante, gesturing for his men to move.

Immediately, the Italians scattered, running to block the doors on each side with what they had, or what they could find. Only Dante stayed by Eden’s side, quietly. He grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently, but he didn’t say anything. They were both standing next to each other, waiting for an answer.

“...You are so stubborn, child,” suddenly said the Governor’s voice.

Eden had almost forgotten about that man. She glanced around, trying to find where the voice came from, furious. She didn’t want to hear his voice anymore. Not after what he had done to Loir.

“You should give up on that strange idea of yours. You and your friends will only get yourselves killed... and that is not what I want, trust me. You should be able to live among your people, with us, in the Core. You’re not like them, Eden. However you were raised is not the future your father had planned for you.”

“On the contrary,” Eden raised her gun. “I think my father wanted me to see exactly what I needed to see.”

She fired at each of the speakers she spotted in the room. Whenever she heard his voice again, she lifted her arm and made sure whichever device the sound came from was destroyed.

“Uh... S-sorry to interrupt the search, but... is anyone else seeing what I’m seeing?” suddenly asked Pride.

“Wait... What the heck is going on?” muttered Greed.

One after the other, several of the hackers were heard, surprised. The chat became so busy and loud, Eden grimaced and had to cover one of her ears.

“Hey, hey!” shouted Nebty. “Everybody shut up for a second! What the heck is going on in there? What is that...”

“I have no idea,” muttered A. “There are... It’s like hundre–no, thousands of connections are entering the System. What are those… Are those online auctions?”

“Yeah, I’m picking them up too,” said Greed. “What the heck is that? Free cat plushie to win... Online games, free movies... What are those? There are dozens popping up everywhere!”

Circé and Eden immediately raised their heads and glanced at each other. Could it be...?

“And everyone is logging online to get that stuff,” muttered Malieka. “There’s... Wait, there are even some in the Dark Reality? Open sources? Classified information? How to get past the guardian falcon of the Russian Data Library… Holy crap, these are hacking programs! And... hundreds of classified hacks... There are even tips for beginner hackers!”

“It’s in the other Cores too!” shouted Crash. “I’m getting signals from New York, London, Cape Town, New Delhi, Tokyo... even Neo Shanghai!”

“Hey, hey, I found something,” said Nebty. “I found the source of the breach. Looks like some idiot just poured all of their details out, or their security portal just got blown open. Looks like someone got their private servers completely hacked and put out there... Oh, wow! Hey, what’s this? Shut it down, shut it down!”


“Sorry, that... that’s fucking Pandora’s Box opened and poured into the System. No wonder the System is crashing, everyone is getting online to grab something!”

“...The Anarkia program.”

Circé chuckled nervously.

“Hey, how did you know that?” asked Greed. “That word is everywhere, in all the auctions, all the data for sale, and the programs! It’s hidden in all of the code we’re running into!”

“...It’s Loir?” Eden muttered.

Circé nodded, a smirk on her face.

“It was one of his crazy ideas... I never thought he’d do it. I mean, what kind of crazy pours years of work, hacking, and research just out there in the System? No hacker would sacrifice their stuff, and sell everything they got. Even less for free. That’s a perfect way to be completely vulnerable and get... killed.”

“He... triggered this with his death,” muttered Malieka. “I don’t know how he did it, but the second he got offline, all his servers were opened wide and onto the System.”
