Page 28 of The SongBird's Love

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“Dirty Diana, oh... Dirty Diana...”

Eden’s deep voice resonated in the club, but the girls were working. All the men in the room were hypnotized by this new, sexy atmosphere taking over. As the music went on, their movements followed the suave, slow flow, moving each curve with incredible precision.

Eden kept singing, her voice getting stronger, echoing like an anthem to this sinful atmosphere. In a couple of minutes, the whole bar had turned into a siren’s den, seducing every man in the room. As the chorus echoed again, the girls’ outfits all suddenly changed, some pieces of fabric transforming. Some skirts disappeared to show more of their gorgeous legs, and some went from a short dress to a two-piece outfit. Impressed, a few men whistled, but the atmosphere was so hot in the room, it made throats dry.

The song had a low, slow, and seductive tone, but Eden’s voice did most of the work. It was sexy, deep, trapping each heart and forcing them to get down to her tune.

Although all these men were hypnotized by the girls’ gorgeous bodies, their ears were made slaves to Eden’s voice. She was setting the mood, sending them back to their carnal desires, to their animal nature. They weren’t as tense anymore, but like boys watching real women, confused by their desires. The girls weren’t giving them any rest. They were caressing them, petting them with their eyes. Even without touching, even with their clothes still on, they were trapped.

There was one man still resisting. Rose was all over him, sitting on his lap and desperate to get his attention, but the Tiger wasn’t shifting. He had his golden eyes glowing in the newfound darkness, like the liquid in his glass, and he was staring right at Eden.

The blonde kept singing, focusing on each word, each note, but she couldn’t take her eyes off him. It was like two flames in the dark, two blades pointed her way. Her voice increased in volume again, channeling her anger into her song, throwing a storm across the room. She closed her eyes to sing louder, using her strength to bind them to her will. She wouldn’t give up. Eden owned this place, at this very second. She was the one holding all those men down with her voice, setting the mood.

So why was he still there, looking that confident, when she had made his men into inoffensive kittens?

Eden kept going as if this was a challenge, a war against him. A war in which Rose was her partner, trying to own the mafia lord. The red rose was half-naked on his lap, caressing his torso, agitating her gorgeous crimson locks, and trying to capture his gaze, but he was looking at her like a king looks at some child. A giant, unmoved by all of her charms. He had that horrible smirk on as if he could toy with her, and not the other way around.

Eden’s voice went lower and lower until she reached the peak and end of the song. She closed her eyes, using all of her strength into those last notes.

“...Come on!”

As the song ended and the last notes echoed in the speakers, the lights of the club turned dark purple, and Eden was out of breath behind her mic, still staring at the mafia lord. She felt defeated.

Rose too angrily stood and walked to the bar, pouring herself a drink despite Jack’s glare. Eden wasn’t moving. She was still a bit shaken and lost from her performance . The stare on her was sending her to the lowest levels of hell, and that man was even smiling. He didn’t care that the most beautiful woman in the club had left his lap. He had his eyes set on Eden and his lips tainted by alcohol. He slowly put down his cup, and as soon as the glass hit the table, loudly resonating in the club, it was as if everyone had suddenly gotten a violent wake-up call.

All of his men realized where they were and sat up straight again, or stepped away from the girls, most blushing and a bit embarrassed. Some were even trying to hide the obvious bump in their pants, breaking in a cold sweat.

“...That’s a pretty little songbird you’ve got there,” chuckled De Luca.

His voice resonated like thunder in the bar.

All of his men, if not embarrassed, were trying to hide their trouble, despite the taunting ladies still next to them or worse, sitting on them. The girls were trained to entice the customers, and Jack had chosen them well. It was a silent war: the men held on to their dignity, and the ladies had their pride as hostesses to live by. A new song began on the speakers, something a bit less tense yet still sexy.

There was no need for Eden to sing again, and she didn’t feel like it. She hated that grin on the Tiger’s lips as if he had just won this battle. Rose too was looking furious at the bar. She hated when a man resisted her, and it was even worse when she was Eden’s back up. Now not only was she being ignored, but this man had his eyes set on Eden.

The blonde slowly came down from the stage, Bella taking her spot to sing a cuter trot song, hoping to ease the atmosphere a little. Since they had been so easily enchanted by the hostesses, the men were now tense and on their guards.

Eden tried to ignore the golden eyes burning her way, but it was hard. She hadn’t tried to catch his attention; she had done her job, trying to set the bar’s mood for her colleagues to work, so why had it turned out this way? The young woman wanted to be as invisible as the music, yet powerful and loud. She didn’t want to be seen, just to be heard. Holding her feelings in, she walked to Rose’s side at the bar, but Jack clicked his tongue.

“...How did you know?” Eden muttered for her colleague to hear.

“Do you think I only sleep with customers for the fun of it? There are only three valuable things a man can give: pleasure, money, and intel. The Italian is just trying to piss off that dimwit Kris Yang...”

So he wasn’t here for Ghost, but because of the territory war? Although this wasn’t exactly good news, Eden was a little relieved that her secret was safe for now. It was merely a coincidence... or so it seemed. She was still a bit suspicious, especially since he just wouldn’t stop staring at her.

“I wish he’d try to piss him off elsewhere,” sighed Jack. “This is going to get ugly if Yang hears he’s here...”

“He came here last night,” retorted Rose. “Coming to his favorite spot is definitely a warning. Xixi is one lucky bitch. She may have been shot dead if she was here.”

“...Maybe not. That guy looks like he respects women, from the way he defended Eden...”

Rose glanced toward the blonde with a snicker.

“Yeah. As if, Jacquie. Don’t get your hopes up. It looks more like it’s an Eden-only thing...”

She was obviously still bitter about being thrown away, but Rose knew better than to hold grudges against her colleagues. She could tell when there was another meaning behind it. Moreover, at the moment, the pretty redhead was sending deadly glares in June’s direction, who had gone on the stage to dance.

“That crazy bitch... Let me know when she goes downstairs. I’m going to make her regret throwing a fucking shit show earlier. And put on my song next, I’m sick of Bella sounding like a strangled kitten.”
