Page 53 of The SongBird's Love

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“You know why I have to be on the run, Loir. I can’t afford for them to find me. It was already dangerous that the Italians went as far as to scan my SIN. If they knew the truth...”

“Your secrets are very costly, little Eden,” said Loir. “You can’t run away forever... or stay alone.”

“I’m fine being alone,” she retorted.

“You left your mother...”

“I didn’t abandon her!” she retorted, angry. “I did it to protect her. She can be happy wherever she is now.”

“Is she, though?”

Eden glared at him.

“Mind your own business, Loir. You stay away from my mom.”

“I’m just saying. Maybe Mama Kitty isn’t so happy...”

Eden hated the thought of anything being wrong with her mother. She convinced herself her mother was safe and fine where she was. She shook her head.

“Stop it, Loir. I sent my mother away to protect her. She risks nothing where she is and she’s getting the help she needs. What could I have done, take care of her by myself while working to feed us both? Where she is now, she doesn’t need me, and she’s stable.”

“But the little Kitty misses her mommy...”

“I’m fine.”

A silence followed Eden’s words. She was feeling cold right now and upset at all of Loir’s questions.

“Do you regret, Eden?”


“Selling your legs to protect your mother.”

She froze and glared at him. Eden then looked down at her fake legs that had carried her there.

“No,” she retorted. “I regret telling you so much, though, that’s for sure.”

Loir laughed, a weird laugh that had a creepy ring to it. He sighed.

“Oh, curious little Eden... Are you sure you want to be on the run again? Weren’t you looking for your master?”

Eden’s heart sank. Master. She had stopped searching recently. No, the truth was she had reached a dead end and was scared to look for him again. She had run out of clues and had no idea where to look next. Her master had disappeared two years ago and it was as if all traces of his existence had been erased. Eden had dived again and again to try and find him, to find any clues, but there was... nothing left.

“...No. I think Master doesn’t want me to find him,” she said.

Loir tilted his head.

“So Kitty isn’t just on the run. Kitty is abandoned too...”

“Are you done making fun of me?”

“Hm... maybe? So? Did you bring me anything interesting?”

“I wasn’t on a fucking trip, Loir. The Italian wanted me to work for him and find Ghost, you already know everything! He took me to a restaurant, a fight happened, and I escaped. I just had enough time to run out of there. I even left Beer behind...”

Her eyes went to Bullet, who was lying down at her feet, looking tired from their journey.

“That’s funny.”
