Page 90 of The SongBird's Love

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Eden’s breathing got a bit tenser, and she stood back up again, her fingers shaking, grabbing the top of the box.

“Loir, it’s him, isn’t it? It’s my master’s work?”

“Easy, Kitty. It does look like it, but we’re very deep in the Core’s system. You think Pan would walk around and just leave bombs like that? ...Wait, what if that’s an actual bomb?”

“With his name on it?” Eden sighed, rolling her eyes.

“Hm... Alright, you got a fair point.”

“Loir, please tell me I can open it.”

“Oh boy, looks like Kitty wants to open her Christmas present. Fine, open it. If you blow up, I’ll just hold a pity party...”

Eden chuckled, but now that she could, she was oddly a bit reluctant to actually open the box. What if there was no clue inside, just some random information that didn’t involve her master or some stupid trap? Well, it was high time she found out anyway. After another deep breath, Eden lifted it.

Just as she had suspected, the box was full. There were some documents inside, and she grabbed them, quickly scanning what she saw with her eyes.

“Loir, what does that look like to you?” she asked with a frown.

“Oh... nice bedtime reading. Those are documents about the Core’s System... I mean, the origins of it. The Core was one of the first successful attempts at creating Artificial Intelligence, and that looks a lot like some of the papers that the Architect had presented...”

“Right? But I’ve never seen those.”

“Eden, Kitty, I think you’re looking at all of his research that was supposedly lost... Why in the world is that here... It’s like finding some very fine cheese on a microwave pizza!”

Eden rolled her eyes. How did he still have enough time to blurt out some of his stupid jokes to the Italian? Ignoring him, she kept reading all those documents.

“Can you copy these?”

“Baby, as long as you see it, I can even make a billboard poster with that and save it to three different chests. Just check them all quickly, Kitty. You’ve been in there for a while now and soon they are going to smell the Kitty inside the sushi shop.”

“...Is it really dangerous if she stays in there too long?” asked Dante.

“...You really don’t know much about hacking, do you?”

“I’m a better shooter in real life.”

“Ah... Well, she probably isn’t at much risk unless I decide to play a game of beer pong. Still, Kitty, let’s not stay there too long.”

“Wait, there are more.”

Eden kept looking through the documents, but the more she looked, the less she actually understood what some of them were about.

“Loir, there are some in... Is that Russian?”

“Oh, yeah... ?????????.”

“Okay, I guess you can look at these later...”

Just as she thought she had reached the bottom of the pile, Eden’s eyes fell on an object that had been pushed to the corner. She frowned and grabbed it.

“Kitty, I already told you not to take the toys Mommy doesn’t want to pay for...”

“What is this?” she asked, ignoring his antics once again.

She could sense from his tone of voice that Loir was intrigued too. From behind his desk, Loir was squinting at the screen, visibly confused as well. Eden turned the object several times in her hands, checking it from all angles.

It was big enough to fit in her two hands and had a strange star-shaped form. It reminded her of one of those wood puzzles she had seen at a craftsman’s shop before. However, it wasn’t made of wood, but of several metals: gold, silver, and multiple copper-colored ones. The metals were spread into various shapes and sizes that constituted that strange contraption. Eden could see dozens of little gears and mechanisms, some she could probably spin or move...
