Page 97 of The SongBird's Love

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She ignored Loir’s comment and kept walking. She just wanted to make it out of the System safely so she could study what that star was. Eden was dying with curiosity, but for now, her survival instincts were speaking first.

The room changed all of a sudden.

The lights lit up so fast, Eden was blinded and had to cover her eyes.

“Oh... same architect.”

Loir was probably right. This room had similar features to the colored cubes one, strikingly familiar features. Eden had to move right away; a small cube was coming at her. However, this time, the cubes were all black and white, and the ones moving were much smaller. She couldn’t stand on any, and instead, she was stuck on what was the ground floor of the room. She put her star away and began walking.

This was a completely square room, but just like the previous one, chunks of it would come out of the blue and go to another part. Another thing was that wherever she walked, the cubes would change from black to white without warning. Eden took a step, but just then, she was hit by a cube in the flank, and thrown to the side.

“Ouchie... You okay, Kitty? Sorry. Didn’t see that one coming. Oh, and I wouldn’t...”

Too late. Eden was hit in the head again just as she tried to stand back up.

“...get up yet if I were you. Damn, this really isn’t your day, my poor Kitty.”

Eden grumbled for a while, and only sat up when she was sure nothing was going to come at her. This room was more dangerous; the cubes were flying faster from one point to another and worse, some were actually changing direction and color halfway without warning.

“Loir, anything for me?”

“Well, the good news is, the Core has yet to make its way here. The bad news is, this code is extremely... strange.”

“Strange how?” asked Eden, while diving to the side to ignore another hit.

“I don’t know. It’s full of holes, and it actually changed into black and white for me too! Moreover, it keeps moving around, and if I try to change it, it ignores me like a flea! So rude. I think I can solve a part though. Tell me what you see.”

Eden could only see those cubes moving from one place to another, but the more she looked and was careful, the more she began to notice things.

“They all change direction or color at the same spots. When it gets to the middle of the room, the color of the cube changes, and then it goes to a random spot in the wall in a straight direction. But... If the room is a cube, then it’s cut into two big screens, and the screen is the thing that probably needs some... damn fixing!”

Even if she had understood, Eden still had to watch out for the cubes flying at her. She couldn’t find a spot in which to stay clear. She tried to use her claws to climb, but this wasn’t good.

“It probably means something, all this black and white,” said Loir. “There’s always a solution.”

“I can’t redo the same thing. There’s nothing for me to get on,” retorted Eden, still climbing up.

She tried to get to the ceiling of the room, and just as she reached it, she heard a horrible sound.

“What the...”

She spotted it right away. A corner of the room suddenly went gray and flickered like a screen with something that shouldn’t be happening on it.

“...Loir, tell me you’re the one doing that.”

“Uh, no, I think the Core is trying to win this hide-and-seek, Kitty...”

Eden felt another chill go down her spine. She couldn’t think of a worse scenario than the Core trapping her there in a square room. She already felt like a mouse in a cage!

“Loir, find a solution, fast!”

“We got about ninety seconds before it traps you completely,” he groaned. “I’m searching, Kitty, I’m searching. It has to have some logic to it. It’s not piano keys. It’s not some partition or a domino... It could be a chessboard, but there are way too many spaces then... The black and white ought out to be a clue. ...A Dalmatian?”

“Loir, for fuck’s sake!”

“Those holes in the code, can you fill them?” asked Dante.

“Not with anything, Sexy. It rejects me every time I try to enter a word. ...See?”
