Page 8 of Securing His Heart

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My muscles tighten and my balls draw up tight, molten lava rolling through my body, leaving something new behind in its wake. “Fuck, Margot. You ride me like a fucking goddess,” I barely get the words out, my jaw clenched to help me hold off as long as possible.

Her eyes hold mine, her voice breathless, but firm, “We’re going to come together, Blake. You’re going to fill me with your cum and then all the things which have been weighing you down will no longer be so heavy on you. You’ll let the past go. We’ll keep building our life together. We’ll love.”

“We’ll fuck,” I groan.

Her breathless giggle, the one she can barely get out as we both start to get closer, closer, closer. Every movement drags us closer to the culmination of our pleasure, of letting it all go. I wish I could stroke my thumb against her clit, but I can’t.

I pull at my bindings when her pussy clamps down on my cock and she gasps as her muscles tighten and I let go. We come together, my body straining while having nowhere to go. I roar out my wife’s name, the sound of it, the primal place it comes from, unlocks everything I’ve been holding inside of me. I don’t hold it close anymore.

I let it go.

I’m sweating, my skin feeling too tight and my muscles straining too much, feeling like I can’t fucking breathe. But as my last jet of cum is milked from my cock, a sense of peace washes over me I haven’t felt in so fucking long.

Too fucking long.

I’m staring up at my wife in wonder. “How the hell did you do that?”

Margot leans over me and kisses me deeply. Our tongues battle each other, but it’s not for supremacy or dominance. We battle because we can, because it makes us feel alive, because it’s part of who we are.

“How?” She teases me, a glint in her eye. “You can’t love a man bigger than life, a Titan, and not learn a thing or two about iron will.”

I tug against my restraints. “Are you going to let me go now?”

My wife’s fingertips run over my skin, now slick with sweat. Mischief fills every one of her words, “I’m not sure. I kind of like you like this.”

When I growl in the back of my throat, she laughs. The sound of joy fills the room and brushes away the last remnants of my guilt. I can’t keep holding onto it.

It all worked out in the end, as my wife so eloquently and sensually pointed out. It’s no longer my burden to bear. I’ll leave it here.

And when I get my hands on my wife, I might just turn the tables on her. From the way her cheeks pink, she’s thinking about the same thing. I don’t think she’s opposed to the idea at all.



I wasn’t sure if my plan was going to work a few months ago or not. I needed to pull my husband’s head out of his ass. Who knew the best way for me to do it was to strap him to a bed and then take away his ability to hold onto the guilt and the shame he was clinging to?

It sounded great in my head and was one of my more erotically inspired plans, but I wasn’t sure if it would work.

It did.

I grabbed my husband’s heart, shielded it, and then kept it safe long enough for him to let all the things he was holding onto go. I’m not sure if he believed all of it deeply at first, but I am sure he does now. It might have been a little fake it ‘til you make it, but I’m okay with that.

He hasn’t looked back.

He’s accepted he wasn’t the one who put River in danger and that no one blames him for what happened to her. He’s lighter now. He no longer questions every single one of his decisions and he trusts his people.

I really fucking hope that no one else in Higgins Security lets Blake down, not in the way Johnny did. I don’t know what it would do to my man and I’m not willing to find out.

Tonight, Charlotte is spending the night with Genesis. Amelia was right, they are thick as thieves. The good thing is they’re both good kids with good heads on their shoulders and maturity beyond their years. I’m not worried about them making the wrong decisions.

Genesis has thrived so far in her first year of attending a real school, but there are still shadows there left over from everything she went through. I know the entire family is proud as hell of her and Sarah, her sister, while Ruth, the third and eldest of Chloe’s sisters, is happy and settled with Micah. This family. Just thinking about them warms my heart and helps me feel settled.

I’m lounging on the couch, waiting for my colossus after he kissed me on the forehead and said he was putting Grace to bed. I was tempted to follow him just to watch. There’s something so damn sexy about a giant of a man holding a child. When Grace was a newborn, I was pretty sure I was going to spontaneously fall pregnant with the sight of him holding her. It was seriously a daily concern.

Now she rests her little two-year-old head on his shoulder and looks at him with such love. It could melt the hardest of hearts, I’m sure of it.

When Blake comes into the room, his crystalline eyes find me instantly and his stride doesn’t shorten or halt. He comes right for me and before I even know which way is up, he’s lifting me and throwing me over his shoulder. It’s hot as fuck.
