Page 20 of Kevlar To My Vest

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The boy was going away for a while, and with any luck, he was eighteen and would be there for a long time.

“Radar, in.” I called.

Radar went to his side of the car and got in without complaint.

I left the door open for him just in case, and went to the side of the vehicle where they were working on getting the girl out of the car.

“Hey man, she’s asking for you. Can you get her calm so we can get her in the ambulance?” The medic said from in front of me.

The next thirty minutes was excruciatingly horrible. The girl was worse than I’d expected, and wouldn’t go anywhere or do anything unless I was with her.

That was how I found myself driving the girl back in my passenger seat because she refused to get in the ambulance.

I’d dropped her off at the hospital where her parents were waiting at the ambulance bay.

When they saw their daughter, they’d gathered her up and led her over to the gurney that the hospital staff had at the ready.

After filling out my report, and chatting with the parents, I was physically and emotionally drained.

Then I had twelve stitches placed in my face from temple to cheek, and I still had four hours to go on my shift.

“What the fuck was that?” Loki asked me as he followed me to a local diner where we sat to eat.

“What was what?” I asked curiously, handing Radar a bread roll.

“You getting slashed with scissors. Did you not see them or something?” He asked.

I shook my head. “Nope. The girl was moaning in the backseat, and drew my eye for a split second. I was lucky too. Then Radar barked. If I hadn’t moved, he would’ve stabbed me in the fuckin’ eye.”

“You’re not so pretty anymore with that cut. What’ll the ladies think?” Loki goaded.

I flipped him off and sat back with my own coffee.

“The one that matters doesn’t even see, so how can my scar bother her?” I asked.

“Viddy?” Loki asked.

I nodded. “Yeah. We’re going riding on Saturday to Texas to eat at the fish place in Waskom. Want to come?”

I’d noticed the change in my best friend since he’d taken the last assignment.

Knew about the girl that he’d fallen in love with but refused to speak to or explain things to.

He’d been working an undercover assignment portraying a tweaker when he’d met his ‘next door neighbor.’ They’d hit it off, but Loki was portraying a druggie, and was good at his job. Then she’d found out that he was a cop, making it even worse.

He’d left for Florida, spending nearly a month with his family, and had just gotten back to work after his leave of absence.

He didn’t go back into undercover work, though. Now he was a detective. He knew when enough was enough.

He’d come back a different man. Harder. He wasn’t so easy to get along with now, either. He had a perpetual bad attitude and he refused to go out on runs. Hell, I hadn’t had him ride with me in well over four months now.

Something was seriously wrong, and I had a feeling it had everything to do with the ex-neighbor.

Not that he’d tell me.

Loki’s eyes met mine, and something shifted in them. Something like guilt.

He nodded once. “Yes. I think I’d like that.”
