Page 30 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Rolling to my feet, I exited the bedroom, keeping my hand on the wall as I went. Not bothering with the light, because what the hell would be the point?

I’d cased the house when I was left alone for the afternoon, and I was fairly sure I knew where everything was. I got all the way to the hallway before I found my first obstacle.


I knew it was him by the long fur.

He wasn’t laying, but more like waiting for me in the darkness.

He nudged me forward, placing his head under my hand and led me all the way to Trance’s bedside.

The moaning had gotten steadily more heartbreaking as I got closer, and by the time I was close enough, I was very near tears just by the raw agony in his voice.

“Trance?” I called softly.

Trance didn’t move. Didn’t even stir.

“Trance,” I called louder, placing my hand on his body.

Turned out it was his chest. He was laying on his back.

Moving my hand to the side of his ribs, I gave him a good push, but still nothing. He was locked in his own personal nightmare.

Moving to the bed, I straddled his hips and started to move him a little harder, grabbing him by the shoulders.

“Trance, honey. Wake up.” I said.

You know those times where you watch a movie, and the woman rouses the man from sleep and he wakes up and reverses their positions? Where the woman is flipped sideways on the bed, and she ends up underneath of him?

Yeah, Trance didn’t work like that. Instead, he just rolled over and dumped me off on the floor.

My head struck the side of the table as I went, causing me to wince.

I couldn’t help the giggling, though, which is what eventually woke him from his dream.

“Viddy?” He asked.

I heard the snick of the light, and then I saw it.

Saw it!

“Oh, My God.” I breathed. “I can see you with half my left eye.”

Trance’s face went from frowning to confused. And then slowly morphed into joy.

I was feeling all of those things, too. Joy, confusion, hope, denial, everything andmore.

Suddenly I was hauled up by my armpits to straddle him the way I’d been doing it earlier.

“I can see you from here, over.” I whispered hopefully, starting in the middle of my left eye making a sweeping motion with my hand to the left.

His smile was fuckingbeautiful.

Out of all the things in the world I’d wanted to see over the years, his smile and face had been near the top of my list.

“You have a cleft chin.” I said, indicating the indention on his chin with my finger.

He smiled, and his dimples popped out.Honest to God dimples.
