Page 64 of Kevlar To My Vest

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She shrieked loudly and tried to launch herself at me, claws first, but Silas’ reflexes showed to be much quicker, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and holding her still

“Honey, no matter what you saw, it wasn’t Killian’s fault. He was attacked at your apartment earlier, and we brought him back here so we could figure out what the hell to do.” Foster said as he stepped in front of me.

I turned my head until I could see Trance fully, and found him still on the couch, only he wasn’t moving, or reacting to the altercation at all. Well, trying being the operative word. He was very much awake now, but he definitely wasn’t feeling good. In fact, his eyes were already turning black, his eyes looked a bit out of it, and he looked like utter shit.

I gasped and squirmed out of his hold until I dropped down on my knees beside Trance’s face.

“Oh, baby.” I said running one finger down his jaw.

He winced at the light touch.

“I’m sorry.” He rasped.

“For what?” I asked in concern.

“Tillie. I was asleep.” He groaned.

I smiled at him. “It’s okay, honey. I know how she is. Adeline told me all about her.”

He let out a relived breath, and then passed back out into his drug-induced haze.

“What happened?” I asked in concern.

“Doc said he has a concussion. Should be fine in a couple of days, but I poured a ground up pain pill in his shot of whiskey earlier. He passed out shortly after.” Foster said from the arm of the couch where he was sitting.

“What reason did they have to attack him?” I asked worriedly.

Grim faces followed that statement, and I got a very, very bad feeling I wasn’t going to like what they had to say.

Chapter 11

Sisters are like fat thighs…they stick together.

-Viddy to Adeline


Phone ringing, I walked out of Trance’s room, and into the hallway so I wouldn’t disturb his sleep.

The poor man had been hit on the head while going back to get dressed at my apartment.

Apparently, Trance had parked near a panel van belonging to a cable TV provider. He’d seen the man bent into the back of the van sorting through tools, and hadn’t been paying attention to the other car he’d parked next to.

He heard the car door opening, but he was already stepping onto the curb to head into my apartment when he was hit from behind with a piece of firewood.

The man working out of the van heard the commotion, but only found Trance on the ground with the piece of wood on the concrete next to him.

He’d then called 911 and Sebastian had been the one to pick him up.

While in the ambulance, Trance had come to and refused transport to the hospital, so they’d taken him to the clubhouse instead.

Somehow, during the commotion, the person who’d been in the car had slipped away. Which was later found out to be stolen.

“Hello?” I answered quietly.

“Viddy?” Adeline sobbed. “I need you.”

I didn’t question her, instead I went back into the bedroom and slipped into my tennis shoes with no socks, walking back out into the living room to stand next to Foster’s chair before I answered.

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