Page 66 of Kevlar To My Vest

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I rolled my eyes, walked over to my bag, and removed the lunchbox I’d brought from Trance’s house. “Here. I brought you a present.”

He took the offering with a moan and removed one of the beers, and popping the top before I could walk to the door.

“Goodnight,” he called.

Foster was waiting for me when I got into the waiting room. He was reading a Sport’sIllustrated pregnancy edition with a sick sense of horror plastered over his face.

“You ready?” I asked on a laugh.

He looked at me with his disgusted eyes, threw the magazine down, and stalked towards me. “Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is to be hit on by a lactating woman?”

I roared with laughter and he glared at me. “You’re sick. The woman was feeding her kid right there in front of me, and I kept getting nipple shots.”

I giggled even harder when we got onto the elevator.

He started punching the ground floor button with urgency when I didn’t stop. “You’re not very nice. I used to like you.”

I snorted. “Did Miller call you with any updates on Trance?”

He stiffened at my question, and his eyes turned to me warily.

“Yeah...” he said cagily. “About that.”


I walked into the door of Trance’s house on a mission, Foster close on my heels.

After what Foster had told me in the car, I was so beyond pissed that I could barely see straight.

I found her in the kitchen. Petting my dog. Trance’s dog.


Radar was sitting at the feet of the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

Long blonde hair that was nearly white that flowed in soft waves down her back. Tight black jeans and a red shimmery shirt. The heels she had on made me want to roll my eyes with how ridiculously tall they were, but I didn’t.

No, I just walked in like I owned the place.

“Hi, who are you?” I asked walking into the kitchen.

Miller, who had been leaning against the counter snorted but didn’t say anything.

Radar left the bitch for me like she was a piece of trash he’d licked all the good stuff off of, coming to me like he hadn’t seen me in days.

“Hey there, big boy. Have you been fed yet?” I asked him.

Snow witch scowled at me like I’d stolen her favorite shoes and stood. “My name is Bree. I already fed the dog.”

The dog. Not Radar.

Looking over at Radar’s bowl, I noticed that it was only the dry food, not the wet stuff that Trance normally gave him. The other three bowls were completely empty, meaning they’d been in their cages for going on four hours now. Walking over to the kitchen cabinet containing the wet stuff, I picked four cans out, picked up the bowls, scooped some dry food into the ones that didn’t have any, and dumped the wet food into them before stirring them all together.

Putting the bowls down on the ground, Radar immediately went to his bowl and started eating while I left the room and went to the den where Trance kept Tequila, Mocha, and Kosher’s cages.

They started barking their little yips of excitement, and I felt horrible for not letting them out earlier.

“I’m sorry, boys and girls. I didn’t mean to leave you in there so long. Daddy was hurt and we forgot all about you, didn’t we?” I cooed at the dogs as I opened each cage.

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