Page 78 of Kevlar To My Vest

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It was only when the silence of those around me finally started sinking in that I realized I was routing for the home team on the visitor’s side. And all of them were giving me the evil stink eye.

Shiloh’s face was priceless. She was also laughing at my plight.

I sat down, trying to contain the excited squirms that were happening in me.

James snorted. “It’s okay, darlin’. We’ll protect you from those hardcore moms over there.”

I looked in the direction that he’d indicated to find myself staring down a gaggle of moms that were painted from head to toe in red and black. All staring at little old me in my blue and yellow shirt.

“Oh, shit.” I mumbled.

Snorts from all the men this time followed my comment.

Ignoring them as best I could, I finished my nachos and pickle, picked up my drink and Sour Punches, and stood.

“Alright, I’ve got to go make the rounds before this game ends. Thank you for letting me sit with you”

After saying my goodbyes, I walked carefully through the throng of people around the gated track.

It was as we were on the way to the bathroom that I encountered my arch nemesis exiting the very door I was about to go into.

Radar went from calm and collected, to alert and stiff.

He sat, and for the life of me, I couldn’t get him to move. Even worse, he was sitting right in front of Sandra. One I really, really didn’t want to talk to right then.

Sandra sneered at me, and then down at Radar. When she tried to get around us, Radar would snarl, halting her in her tracks.

“Fuck,” I breathed.

“Move out of my way.” Sandra snapped.

I started pulling on Radar’s leash, but he was an immovable mountain.

With no other options available, I resorted to the one thing that could make Radar do anything.

Pulling my phone out, I called Trance.

“Spurlock.” He answered.

I couldn’t hear him very well, but I started to explain anyway, in a vain attempt to figure out what the hell was going on.

“Get him away from me, Sheffield!” Sandra shrieked.

“I’m trying. He won’t move!” I bellowed.

I could hear shuffling on Trance’s end, as well as him asking me urgently what was going on.

“Listen to me,” I snapped. It might have been at Trance, or it might have been at Sandra. I didn’t really know, but it was good that they both listened. “I can’t get Radar to move.”

“Is he sitting down, standing, or laying down?” Trance asked in alarm.

Looking down at Radar, I explained. “He’s sitting down. His tail isn’t wagging, and anytime Sandra tries to move, he growls.”

“Where are you?” He cursed.

“The bathrooms...” I said just as my voice trailed off when I realized which bathroom she’d come out of. It was the men’s bathroom. “The men’s bathroom.”

What it looked like to me was that there was the men’s bathroom on one side of the concession stand, and the women’s on the other. I’d gone to the closest side to the bleachers since that was usually how bathrooms were set up.
