Page 29 of My Mafia Captor

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“Sorry, little brother, we’ve got shit to do,” Patrick said, regret on his face. He had a very expressive face; it seemed like everything he felt was plastered on it for the world to see. That was one of the places he and Jimmy didn’t match up even though they looked so much alike. Jimmy hardly ever let anything show on his face.

“What’s going on?” Jimmy asked, and the air in the room changed. It was no longer fun or joking. Now it was all business, and I had a feeling that the business had nothing to do with me.

“Dad needs us,” Daniel said and looked hard at me. I knew that look. It was the look my father had given me when talking to his friends in our house. The look that meant it had to do with Mafia-related affairs, and I wasn’t allowed to know what was going on. The look that told me I was in the way.

“What for?” he asked, and I waited, wondering if that was his way of telling them that I could know. I would follow Jimmy’s lead no matter what—whether he wanted me to know or not. I understood more about Mafia life than I ever wanted to know. Sometimes knowing too much was a problem and made you a target, so I would never push. I had learned at a very young age that not everything that happened in the Mafia stayed between those actually in it.

Patrick gave me an uneasy look and then looked back at Jimmy. Daniel just stayed silent.

“Dad needs us,” he reiterated and left it at that. Jimmy sighed and looked over at me with disappointment clear on his face.

“It’s alright,” I turned to Jimmy. “I completely understand. Go help your dad. If he’s sending your brothers to go get you at 2:00 a.m., he must really need you.” I shrugged. He reached over to put his hand on the back of my head, leaning over to kiss my forehead.

“Thank you for understanding,” he said, looking into my eyes with a serious gaze. There was something in it that I couldn’t quite pinpoint, something deeper than just a thank you. It meant a lot to him that I wasn’t making an issue out of this, and I think that had something to do with the look.

“You’re welcome,” I told him then turned to his brothers. “Do I have time to make you all coffee, or do you have to leave right away?”

“We kind of have to go—” Patrick started, but Daniel interrupted.

“We can wait for coffee,” he said. He put his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels. He looked like a big kid doing that, so much so that I almost laughed.

“I don’t think you need coffee. Clearly, you have way too much energy,” Patrick shot.

“Well, coffee or no coffee,” Jimmy interjected, “I have to get up and get dressed, so you guys need to leave. I would also like to say goodbye to my wife without you two being a part of it.”

“We have a little time, but not enough for you to bang her AND have coffee. That would be pushing it, so I am definitely voting for the coffee,” Patrick teased but was already ushering Daniel out the door. When they were gone and the door was closed, Jimmy got out of bed, and I followed suit, going to the dresser along the wall where my robe was. It was shorter than I would have liked with his brothers being here, but at least I could bend over without worrying about my ass showing.

I wrapped it around myself and tied it while Jimmy dug in his drawers for underwear and socks. Without asking, I went into the walk-in closet and picked out a suit for him. So far as I could tell, Jimmy didn’t own anything other than suits and workout clothes, the latter of which hardly ever got used. When I brought it out for him and lay it on the bed, complete with a tie, Jimmy’s face lit up in a smile.

“You are kind of awesome, you know that?” he said, picking up the pants and bending over so he could put them on.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s just a suit, Jimmy,” I played, rolling my eyes. He grinned wider and added a belt which he found on top of the dresser. “Jeez, you are so easy to please.”

“I really am not,” he admitted, shaking his head. “Actually, I’m a bit of an asshole. I know this, and until recently, I liked it that way. Until recently, I liked doing a lot of things my way, but being with you has shown me that changing those things may not be so bad.”

My heart felt like a cat stretching in the morning sun. He liked that I was changing things for him. That made me happier than I could even imagine.

“Well, I am happy to broaden your tastes,” I smirked, and he huffed, rolling his eyes. He put on his shirt and started buttoning it up, looking in the mirror over the dresser to make sure he got the buttons straight. “I’m going to start the coffee now.”

I went to move past him, but he put out an arm to wrap around me and pull me into him. He hadn’t even put cologne on yet, and he smelled good—like fabric softener combined with a rich musky scent that was him. He kissed the top of my head and lifted my chin with the index finger of the arm that wasn’t around me. I looked into his eyes and sighed a little as he bent so his lips could meet mine.

It was a quick, soft kiss, but it left me wanting to push him back onto the bed and have my way with him. I hadn’t gone all the way with him the previous night because my heart and mind weren’t ready, but my body sure was. I ached for him in a way I had never expected. I hadn’t thought I would ever want my husband in that way, and I hadn’t thought he might want me as well.

Was this luck, or some sort of cosmic plan? I hoped it was one of these. I hoped this would be the happily ever after I had always pictured myself having with my husband. Sure, our relationship hadn’t started off the way that I had imagined, but I could see in his eyes that we were on the same frequency now. He was looking at me like he wanted to undress me, turn me around, and fuck me from behind as hard as he could. Or maybe I was just projecting.

“You better stop looking at me like that,” he whispered, leaning in so his lips brushed my ear when he said it. “If my father wasn’t expecting me, I would have us back in that bed until we were both satisfied. Last night was just a tease. Next time, it’s your turn. I want to see what that pretty face looks like when you cum.”

I could feel my cheeks turn red. So, hewasthinking the same kind of things that I was. I didn’t know if that made it better or worse.

Clearing my throat, I looked up at him, gave him a quick kiss on his lips, and took a few steps back. Being that close to him when he was under a time constraint was a bad thing.

“I’ll go make that coffee now,” I told him and walked out of the room, pulling my robe tighter around me. His laughter followed me out the door and down the hallway.

Patrick and Daniel were sitting around the kitchen island when I entered. They both looked up when I came down the stairs but went back to looking at their phones when they saw Jimmy wasn’t with me.

“He takes so long to get ready,” Daniel complained, and Patrick reached out and shoved him without even taking his eyes off the phone.

“That’s because he is always well put together. You just throw on last night’s jeans and a halfway decent-smelling T-shirt from your floor. Seriously kid, when are you going to grow up and start actually acting like a man?”
