Page 30 of My Mafia Captor

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“I do act like a man,” Daniel argued, getting back on the seat. I turned my back to them to set up the coffee pot. “And I don’t wear dirty clothes. I just wear clothes that are comfortable. Some of them only sometimes appear dirty.”

“Remind me to never give you a hug,” I joked and Patrick laughed.

“Oh, I give the best hugs,sis.You’ll see. Come here,” Daniel insisted and got out of the chair to come over to me, his arms outspread. I shook my head and put my hand up, making the universal sign to stop.

“Oh no. I just met you, and you woke me up at 2:00 a.m. in a very annoying, unnecessary manner. Stay away from me, or I will kill you with my coffee cup,” I threatened. Daniel put his hands up in surrender and went back to his seat.

“Jeez, testy,” he said in a whiny voice. Patrick punched him in the shoulder.

“Be nice to her. She has a point. She’s also making us coffee,” Patrick pointed out, and Daniel made a face as if it pained him to be nice. Maybe he was just that kind of person, but I knew Patrick was by far my favorite.

I leaned on the kitchen island as the coffee started to drip in the pot behind me and turned to Patrick, seeing as Daniel was a lost cause for conversation. Daniel was too immature and possibly had too much energy—best to avoid him in the early morning hours as much as possible.

“So, what kind of child was Jimmy? Was he the same rambunctious, crazy kid I assume Daniel was but never grew out of? Or was he the smart, silent type?”

“He was a little bit of both,” Patrick smiled. “He used to run outside and play in the rain, and then come in with a pocket full of worms to torture everyone with. But once we explained to him that worms were animals and not just moving rubber bands, he felt so bad that he went to try to put them back. When he realized that some of them were dead, he held a funeral for them, which we were all forced to attend.”

I smiled, thinking of the little dark-haired little boy he must have been. I would have loved to have known him then—though he was ten years older than me, so it wouldn’t have been possible. He must have been such a cute little boy, though.

“Stop talking about me,” Jimmy called as he came down the stairs. Patrick looked at me with a mock “Oh no” face and made me burst into laughter, which he joined in on. Jimmy sighed at us and went around me to the coffee pot. Above it, he went into the cabinet, pulled out a travel mug, and started filling it with what had brewed even though it wasn’t done.

“Hey, save some of that for us!” Daniel complained, and Jimmy turned to him as he went for the creamer in the refrigerator.

“It’s my coffee which my lovely wife made for me. If there happens to be any more after I get what I want of it, and she gets what she wants of it, then go right ahead, have at it. But you wokemeup at 2:00 a.m., brother, not the other way around. Therefore, the coffee is mine.”


“Spoiled brat.”


“Self-important narcissist.”

“Oh, stop,” Patrick interrupted their little spat, and I went to pour two more travel mugs of coffee for them to take. I was chuckling because to me it was amusing, but I imagine their bickering over the years had gotten pretty tiresome. I always wanted to know what it would be like to have siblings… this was it, I suppose. Maybe I hadn’t missed out on anything, after all.

“Alright, these are for you two,” I said as I put the tops on the coffee mugs and handed them to Daniel and Patrick. They both thanked me, and I got a sweet smile from Jimmy, who sipped from his own mug.

“Perfect timing,” Patrick said, looking at his phone. “Dad was just asking how things were going and if we had managed to get you out of bed.”

“Tell him I’m coming, but if he wants me to be involved this early again in the future, he needs to tell me ahead of time so I can plan a little better,” Jimmy said and came over to me to give me a kiss. It made me smile and, when he pulled away, he was smiling too. “Thank you for being so amazing and being a terrific wife.”

“You make it easy for me to be one,” I shrugged. There were gagging noises coming from the doorway where Daniel was standing, but we ignored him. I was beginning to understand that Daniel was little more than an unruly teenager. “Be safe and come home to me,” I added.

“I will do my best,” he said, and I actually appreciated the fact that he didn’t promise anything. I always hated that because you could never promise something would or wouldn’t happen, even if you tried your best and were careful. If he had said he would be fine and didn’t come home, then the last thing he had said to me would have been a lie, and I didn’t like that idea.

The boys left, and I stood in the kitchen for a little while wondering if I should drink some coffee and wait for Jimmy to get back or if I should just go back to bed. Three large yawns and a complete zone out on my phone for a good ten minutes let me know that going back to bed was probably the best idea.

Slowly, I made my way up the stairs and trundled back into my bed, thinking about Jimmy and how good he had felt against me. In my mouth. On my lips. I couldn’t stop thinking about what would have happened if I had let him go all the way last night. Was I just being silly? I wanted to be with him so badly, but that didn’t mean it would have been a smart decision. But would I regret it later? Would I regret not doing it with him?

I didn’t know the answers, but I did have a solution to the tension that was radiating through my body. My fingers traveled down my front, sliding under the waistband of my thong and gently parting my lips, and I began rubbing my clit in slow, lazy circles.

Yeah, this would relieve some tension.

After I made myself cum, I fell asleep on Jimmy’s side of the bed with his scent all around me and happiness setting me up for sweet dreams.

Chapter 15

