Page 61 of My Mafia Chauffeur

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But for now, I was content to bask in the glow of Becca's happiness, knowing that she had been through a lot as well, and eventually good things could happen to good people. Our conversation continued, the two of us chatting and laughing like we always did, and for a little while, the rest of the world faded away.

As I returned to my apartment that night, the warmth of the familiar surroundings welcomed me. My heart was full of contentment for my friend, but, I couldn't help but compare my own situation to hers. Anthony, my boyfriend of two years now, had never mentioned anything even remotely similar about his certainty of our love or future together.

I picked up my phone, my fingers tapping furiously against the screen as I messaged Anthony.

Me: Do you love me?

I typed, the words feeling heavy on my heart. The response was quick but not quite what I had hoped for.

Anthony: Yes, but why?

I felt a surge of anger. How could he ask mewhy? Shouldn't it be obvious?

I tossed my phone aside, my emotions a jumbled mess. Just then, my phone vibrated. It was Anthony. I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether I wanted to answer or not.

I picked up the phone. Anthony's voice, soft and reassuring, filled my ear. He spoke of his love for me, of how he couldn't imagine his life without me. His words soothed my worries, at least for the moment. But, as I lay in bed, my mind drifted to the future. Would I ever be a wife? Would Anthony ever feel the same certainty about me that Becca's fiancé felt about her? The questions echoed through my mind, leaving me with a sense of unease that refused to dissipate.

Chapter twenty-seven


LauraandIhadn’tspoken for several days after she sent me that cryptical text asking if I loved her. I had been wracking my brain since then trying to figure out what was going on or what I had done wrong but had come up with nothing. I really hoped I wasn’t making a mistake by going through with the plans that I had made for us for today.

I had been working on the plans for weeks. I had gotten Laura's friend Becca’s number, and I had texted her a couple of days before to explain my plan. She had been overjoyed to help and had even shared her own news of getting engaged the previous weekend. She had promised to take Laura shopping this morning, under the guise of preparing for her engagement party the next day. It was the perfect cover, and I had sent her the location of our rendezvous.

Amanda was already dressed and ready for the day, having been briefed on the plan. Tank had called to inform us that the boss had returned from Japan, so we had to move quickly.

The plan was for Becca to bring Laura to this beautiful urban flower garden after they were done shopping. The garden was lush and well-maintained, with a plethora of colorful flowers that bloomed in every direction. There were roses of every shade, tulips that swayed in the gentle breeze, and lilies that gave off a sweet, heady fragrance. Everyone else would meet at the garden beforehand and hide behind the beautiful wall of flowers while Becca brought Laura in. The excitement was palpable, and everyone was buzzing with anticipation.

We waited anxiously, checking our phones every few seconds for any updates from Becca. Finally, a message arrived saying that they were outside the garden. I motioned for the people setting up the "Will you marry me" sign to hurry up and finish, but they were taking their time. We wanted everything to be perfect, and we didn't want to rush it. Laura had complained about proposals being too public after watching a movie the other day, so we kept everything low-key and intimate.

As Becca led Laura toward us, my heart pounded in my chest. I could see the confusion in Laura's eyes as she looked around the garden, taking in the beautiful surroundings. She looked stunning in her flowy summer dress, her hair tousled from the wind.

"So, why did we come to this garden?" she asked, a hint of suspicion in her voice. "It's beautiful, though. Are you going to pick some flowers for tomorrow?"

I smiled, trying to hide my nerves.

"Yes, I'm choosing flowers for my wedding," I replied loudly from behind the wall, hoping that my voice sounded confident and steady.

Laura's gaze flickered back and forth between the wall and Becca, and I could see the realization dawning on her face. She looked so beautiful walking toward me, and my heart skipped a beat as I emerged from behind the wall and knelt down in front of her.

She covered her mouth in shock as I opened the ring box and asked her to marry me. The ring glittered in the sunlight, and I could see the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Yes, yes, I will."

I slid the ring on her finger and kissed her as everybody came out from behind the wall clapping. Happiness and relief filled the atmosphere, and I could feel how our two distinct but complementary souls had now converged into one.

The End.
