Page 17 of Kept By the Gemini

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I grin and move towards them. I see a young brown-haired woman holding her gun and keeping to the edge of the forest.

Franklin shadows her and then moves to the other side of her. Judging by what they signed, we’ve got him surrounded.

I sign to them to hold back and I move silently around until I can see the jackass. Slow and careful, I move up behind him and then shove my gun into his back. “Hold it right there. Put the gun down.”

He holds his hands up and grunts. “Using a gun to stop me? Doesn’t that seem like you’re cheating? You can’t beat me without it? I could beat you.”

“And yet you shot up my house. Of course you missed. So..I guess I didn’t really need to do much.”

He whips around and I’m face to face with the asshole who terrorized my woman. I lower the gun and then grunt. “Put the gun down and we can settle this like men.”

He grins like a maniac and drops the gun, his fists coming up. I drop mine and he leaps at me. I grin like a demon and slam my fist into his exposed belly. Air whooshes out and he groans, bending over, gagging.

I lean over him and lift him up by his hair. Whispering in his ear, “You know, I’d love to kill you. But I refuse to leave my woman out there for some other asshole to try and get. She’s mine.”

He grins, blood blossoming on his mouth. He spits it out. “Actually, she was mine before she ever even met you. I guess that means she’ll always be mine. Till death do us part, you know.”

I grab his head and head-butt him, seeing stars but not giving one shit. Drilling him, I grin. “I swear to god, keep talking and you’re gonna be dead.”

Franklin steps out. “I think that’s enough, Dex. I’ll take it from here.”

I nod at him and his partner and they take custody of the asshole. “Good. I’ve got a woman to claim and marry.”

Franklin slaps me on the back, laughing. “Good. I’m happy for you, man.”

I run into the house and race up the stairs two at a time, skidding around the corner. I wrench open the door and jerk my Daisy into my arms.

“You’re marrying me now. Today. We’re going to Vegas. I cannot stand being away from you for one more second.”

She cuddles into me and sighs. “Ordinarily, I’d say no. It’s too soon. But I want to marry you right now too.”

“I’ll call for my private jet and then we’re leaving.”

Her head pops up. “Wait! What about Hank?”

“He’s taken care of.”

She gasps. “You didn’t kill him did you?”

“Nope. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

“Good. Then let’s go do this.”

“Wait!” Now it’s my turn to stop her. I get down on one knee, grinning when she covers her mouth, her eyes welling with tears. “Daisy, I knew as soon as I met you that you were it for me. I bought this ring that day and I’ve waited every day since for the perfect time to give it to you. My horoscope said that today is the day for a new beginning. You are and will always be the new beginning that I was looking for. The future that I didn’t know was coming but now that it’s here, I know that I couldn’t live without you. You are the best part of me. Will you please marry me, Daisy?”

She nods her head and squeaks. “Yes, yes, I will marry you, Dexter McKnight. I cannot live without you either. I never thought that I’d find a man that I trust but as soon as you hired me, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I love you so much, Dex.”

“I love you too, baby.”

I slip the ring on her finger and laugh. “Now you’re never getting away from me. You’re mine, Daisy.”

“And you’re mine. Forever.”

I kiss her and fireworks explode around us, enveloping us. This woman is my one true love. The one thing that I could never live without in this world.

If I lost my business and everything else tomorrow, I wouldn’t give a damn as long as I had her.

She cuddles into me and sighs. “Did I miss breakfast?”
