Page 5 of Kept By the Gemini

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Frustration boils up in me over the next two days. I can’t get a damn thing from Daisy. She’s retreated into herself and every time I ask her what I can do for her, she shakes her head and says she’s got it handled.

She’s still staying at the townhouse but I haven’t been back since I dropped her off. When I ask if I can come over, she just says it’s not appropriate.

Fuck appropriate. I’m not giving her any warning the next time. I’m just going to show up.

My body aches with need for her and I can’t concentrate at work. My team is currently staring at me in a meeting and I’m completely useless.

My second clears his throat. “Ummm. Sir?”

Whipping my head up, I groan silently when I see that the entire team gathered around the large table are staring at me.

“Right. I’ll get back to you guys on that. Why don’t you leave me the paperwork and all of your notes and I’ll take a look at it tonight.” I glance down at my watch, growling when I realize how late it is and that my red-haired obsession has probably left already.

There’s an itch running up and down my spine. I can’t stand it. I need to see her. Need to make sure she’s alright. I won’t be able to rest until I check in on her.

I set out to my car like my ass is on fire. It takes everything in me not to press my gas pedal to the floor and break every damn speed law on the way to get to her.

My phone rings and it’s my man that I’ve had chasing the shadow chasing my girl.

“Hey, man. You got anything for me?”

“Yeah. My partner and I found some information for you. Her ex-husband. She’s got numerous charges against him for harassment and stalking. We couldn’t find anything for the other night.”

I groan. “She was in such a rush to go to ground that I bet you she didn’t even put in a complaint against him. Did you get a chance to check out her place?”

There’s silence on the other end of the line.

“Tell me,” I growl.

“You sure you wanna know about this? It’s not pretty. I took photos. The landlord let me in when I showed him my badge.”

I run my hand through my hair and try to get myself under control. “How bad was it?”

Franklin grumbles under his breath. “I don’t think you really want to see those pictures.”

After a very brief mental battle, I give in. For now. “Fine. But make sure you keep those damn pictures. I don’t know if and when we’ll need them but I don’t want to lose them in case we do.”

“You got it.” He pauses and I can almost feel his unease. “I hope you know what you’re doing. This guy seems unhinged from all the reports that I read and what I saw.”

My breath stutters out when I think about Daisy’s soft green eyes and tempting little body out of my reach. “I have to keep her safe. I know exactly what I’m doing. She’s mine.”

“Good enough,” he says, clicking off.

I can’t help grinning. Franklin’s a bit abrupt but he’s a good guy. He’s had a rough time and I try to keep in touch with him. Just check in and make sure he’s alright. Now he’s the one doing it for me.

My smile fades quickly. I don’t get men that think it’s okay to push a woman around. Especially one as little as Daisy. That doesn’t make you a man. It makes you a sad, pathetic human being.

I pull up outside the townhouse and take a deep breath, holding my breath before letting it out as a hiss through my teeth. I need control right now. I can’t scare her anymore than she already is.

I turn off the engine and step out, walking quickly up to the door. I rap at it hard, cursing under my breath.

“Focus, asshole. Keep yourself under control.”

I hear light footsteps coming up to the door and pausing. I try to make myself look as non-threatening as possible, knowing she’s staring through the peephole.

“Hey, Daisy? Can you let me in? I wanted to talk to you for a minute.”
