Page 7 of Kept By the Gemini

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“You shouldn’t have done that…”. His dark brow lifts and I sputter to a stop.

“I abso-fucking-lutely should have done that. And I’d do it again. And again. I will do everything I can to win you, Daisy. You’re mine. You’ve always been mine. I just hadn’t met you yet so I didn’t know.”

A chill skitters along my spine. Those words sound so damn familiar. I’ve heard them or something like that before. My ex used words like that. All the damn time.

I back away. “What was it that you wanted, Mr. McKnight?”

He growls and my cheeks flush. I know what it feels like to have those growls against my lips. What he feels like against me and how damn much I like it.

“Stop calling me that, dammit! Unless you like getting spanked! I’m losing patience!”

My head comes up and even though my clit is throbbing wildly, I glare at him.


“I don’t like one-word responses. Especially that one.”

“Too bad,” I huff, my pride struggling to rear its head after being beaten down so long.

“I don’t care about your patience and your pride. I’m not going to be yours or any man’s. I’m my own person, Dexter. I make my own rules and nobody is going to tell me otherwise.”

His lean cheeks flush and I’d like to think he’s embarrassed. I don’t think that’s it though.

He stalks closer, his steps light and deliberate, surprising for such a big man.

I can feel my heart climbing into my throat and step back. He sees it and stops immediately. His hands clench and release by his side and there’s a twitch by his blue eyes.

“I will never hurt you, Daisy. I promise you that you’re safe with me.”

“I know that,” I whisper. I’m safe from him but am I safe from me. No matter how much I tell myself that I don’t want a man. I don’t want the hassle, the need to please. The only person I want to please is myself.

“But I do need you to do something for me.”

I eye him warily. “What?”

“I want you to keep my number on your phone right where you can find it. If you ever feel like there’s something wrong or you need someone…you call me. No questions asked. I will be here immediately.”

I shake my head. “Not necessary. I can just call the police.”

“I’m a helluva lot scarier than the police.”

She chokes on a laugh. “Yeah, I can see that.”

“I’m serious. Anything at all and you call me before you call the police.”

“Don’t be silly,” I breathe. My stupid heart starts to pound, loving the gruff possessiveness in his voice.

“Promise me,” he grunts and I can see the determination in his stern blue eyes.

“Fine. I’ll call you first.”

He nods once. “Good. Now I’ve got to get some things done before work tomorrow. But if you need me, you call me. Immediately.”

I bob my head, my throat working on a rough swallow. My tongue feels too big for my mouth. I can’t stop looking away from his penetrating gaze.

He turns away and stomps to the door. “Close and lock this door behind me,” he grunts and I hurry to lock him out.

I need the space to get my head right. Because right now it’s saying that I want him and I want him to stay.
