Page 101 of Forever & Always

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“Mmmmmm,” she said.

My swollen cock was throbbing, hugged snugly by the walls of her vagina and she squeezed them around me even tighter. I thought I would die. “Oh, fuck, Remi…. Keep doing that.”

We worked together, Remi’s hips thrusting up to meet mine and squeezing down, the releasing when I would pull almost out, to repeat the process in slow long thrusts. It was the most unbelievable sensation, and it was only magnified because of the love between us.

My mouth took hers in a deep kiss and our tongues merged and tangled as I rested on my elbows and cupped her head with both hands. The connection between us was perfect and fervent in its intensity, physical, emotional, and soulful.

I kissed her again and again until we were both breathless and I could feel her insides begin to tremble around me, and I slammed into her as I came inside her. Remi’s whimpers of pleasure sent me over the edge.

We were both panting from our exertion, our bodies still coming down, but I wanted to keep kissing her. I used my lips to play with hers, nudging her top lip with my lower one, and then sucking her lower lip between both of mine. Remi’s legs wrapped around my hips; a signal she didn’t want to separate yet. I bent to nuzzle her breast and run my tongue along and round both of her nipples. My hips pushed forward, though I was already embedded inside her.

“I love you, so much,” she said, her voice cracking. “So, so much.”

I could hear the tears in her voice, so I raised my head to look into her eyes. “There is nothing in the world that means more to me than you. Until my dying day, this… being with you is all I want. I love you, too.”

“I don’t want to leave you,” she said tearfully.

I kissed her again softly, then ran the tip of my nose along her jaw. I pulled out and moved to her side, pulling her into my arms and across my chest. “When I get back, I’ll email you a copy of my schedule and we’ll work out when I can get down there, next.”

I stroked her hair down her back. It wouldn’t be soon enough.


Our goodbye at the airport had been hard, but I trusted Dylan that we would see each other soon. I had no more doubts about his feelings or commitment, and my love for him was stronger than ever. I couldn’t even fathom how much I adored him. It was indefinable.

My plane had landed after visiting hours, but Marcia was working, and I knew she’d let me sneak in to check on Rory. I raced into the hospital and up to her room. When I arrived, Marcia was checking her vital signs. The light behind the bed was low and Rory was asleep.

“How is she?” I asked, moving toward the far side of the bed where Marcia wasn’t working.

“I wish I had better news, Remi. She sleeps more and her appetite is minimal. Maybe she’ll be better now that you’re back,” she said sadly. “I came back after my days off and she seems worse.”

Tears began to fall from my eyes, and I leaned over the little girl to whisper to her. “I’m here now, Rory.” I touched her swollen face and silky hair, but she didn’t wake up. “I’m going to stay in the chair tonight,” I told the nurse, who had become my friend.

“I thought you might.”

“Can you grab me one of those warm blankets when you have a minute?” I requested.

She was noting some things in the computer, and I assumed it was medication and vital sign logs. “Of course.” Her eyes were sad but her motions methodical.

I admired the nurses, doctors, respiratory, radiology, phlebotomists, physical therapy, and every other type of professional it took to get these kids better and emotionally support their families. I was grateful for the other volunteers and the corporations and individuals who donated to the hospital, and to the researchers who worked diligently to find cures and treatments that might elongate lives or ease pain. I could see it wasn’t an easy career taking care of sick children as you couldn’t win every battle. Even though it was painful, I wanted to be among them because even while some were lost, more were saved. I put a hand to my mouth as I tried to stifle a sob. “How do you do it?” I asked, bringing my eyes back to Marcia. “I want to do it, too. It’s been my life-long quest, but now, with Rory, I see how much it can hurt.

Marcia nodded and came around to hug me. “One day at a time. Yes, it hurts, but when a child leaves here disease free, it’s all worth it. Those are really good days.”

I swallowed and hugged her back. When she moved away, I grabbed a Kleenex from the box on the bedside table and blew my nose. “Will the social worker be in tomorrow?”

“I’ll look on her chart. Just a second.” Marcia went back to the computer and pushed a few buttons on the keyboard. “It looks like he will, late morning. I’ll go get the blanket now. Would you like something to drink?”

“Just a bottle of water. Thank you, Marcia.”

“Sure, thing.”

When Marcia left the room, I closed my eyes against my tears and the sounds from the hallway and the nurses’ station. Rory was sleeping but I was happy I’d be here when she woke up. I glanced at my phone and there weren’t any new texts from Dylan. His plane took off an hour after mine and the flight was longer, so it was doubtful he and my dad were back in Kansas City, yet. I found myself longing for him to be with me.

I’d been alone with Rory for several weeks before Dylan met her, and in the weeks since, and was able to deal with the emotional roller coaster. Now, the combination of knowing Rory’s condition had deteriorated and that I could lean on him, that somehow, I felt more fragile. It wasn’t as if I couldn’t do it on my own, but I wanted him to be here.

I brought the back of my hand to my forehead and my brow creased. My head popped up when Marcia returned with the blanket. She handed me the bottle of water and unfurled the blanket across my knees. I absently took the bottle with my left hand and reached down with my right to pull out the footrest on the recliner I was sitting in. “Is it okay if I stay here tonight?” I asked quietly. “I want to be here when she wakes up.”

“Of course.” Marcia sat down on the ledge by the window and lowered her voice. “Listen, I don’t want you to worry more, Remi, but on Friday they ran some tests, but she isn’t a candidate for CAR-T. They’re going to try a new medicine, but–”
