Page 118 of Forever & Always

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“Well, Remi looks stunning. Keep it together when you see her.” He winked and took his place next to me, both of us facing out. “I have the rings.”

Josh and Mace were standing beside Ben and for once weren’t goofing around. I leaned forward so I could speak to them. “I’m honored to have you two beside me, today.”

“Dude, where else would we be?” Mace admonished.

“No, shit,” echoed Josh.

I smiled. I was blessed beyond measure.

I’d gotten Remi another thin white platinum band to match the one I gave her at our courthouse wedding. The two bands would perfectly frame the one made of diamonds on the engagement ring. Mine matched but was thicker.

The string quartet at the front of the aisle began to play and Chase’s three friends, who I’d met only two hours before, began to sing in perfect harmony.

My cousins Lily, and Lila, followed by Remi’s cousins, Mandi and Mellie, came down the aisle one by one in beautiful light coral gowns, then Bliss, so much like Remi was next. She was in the same light shade of pink that Rory wore, and her dress was adorned with ivory lace and sequins. She held two bouquets in front of her, and her dark hair was piled up on top of her head with small rosebuds scattered throughout.

Then, Rory, in her princess dress, with a satin basket of rose petals was walking toward me. Everyone chuckled as she took handfuls of petals and threw them in the air over her head. She was so precious, and I thanked God for her every day.

Teagan leaned forward as Rory got to her in the front row. “Let me hold the basket, darling.” Rory nodded and handed it to her then went into her arms for a hug and Teagan kissed her temple. “Go to your daddy, now, my love,” Teagan whispered.

It was so difficult to think of Chase and Teagan as my in-laws because they’d always been like a second set of parents, and I’d always called them Uncle and Aunt. But they were mine, either way. My life would never have been the same without Chase’s mentorship and Teagan’s gentle guidance. It was all just a perfect puzzle that I never dreamed of.

I picked Rory up and held her in one arm as Remi, flanked by her father on her left and mine on her right appeared at the end of the aisle. I was moved that my father, her second father, was included in this way. My throat tightened and my eyes burned. She was incredible.

I’d seen pictures of Teagan in the dress, but nothing could prepare me for the vision before me. The deep V-neckline and sleeveless bodice were covered in lace that continued, unlined over her delicate shoulders and down her arms, and the dress fitted, through the bodice and hips flared out below the knees with more of the sparkling lace. She was luminous, and I was breathless. She looked just like I pictured. Her lace gown softly glittered in the candlelight and her green eyes were sparked with tears.

When they came to the end of the short aisle, both men kissed her, and Chase walked her the few feet remaining and gave me her hand. The long, gossamer veil floated around her was surreal.

“Mommy, why was Auntie Bliss holding your married flowers?” Rory asked in her full voice.

“Because Mommy was holding on to your Grampa’s arms, sweetie,” Remi whispered. “Mommy will get them at the end.” Remi’s hand cupped Rory’s little cheek.

Her eyes locked with mine as we took our place in front of the minister. After he asked us to join hands, I set Rory down, who went back to Teagan and was lifted onto her lap. Teagan put her finger to her lips to shush my daughter.

I barely heard the words of the minister because I was so mesmerized by my stunning bride. I didn’t think I’d be so emotional, given that we were already legally married, but this made it official, and it was a testament in front of everyone important to our lives. We’d always said we would write our own vows and I knew, given the surprise, Remi would have to wing it, so I did the same.

“Remi… you’re the center of my life and have been ever since I can remember. You’re my best friend and I love you so much. I can’t imagine growing old without you, and so I’m so grateful that you are mine. I give you my heart, my body and soul. Forever.” I lifted her hand and kissed it, my eyes never leaving hers.

The Reverend turned to Remi. “Remi, please state your vows.”

She smiled through her tears. “Dylan; I’m so very thankful my Jensey became your daddy. My life, since that day, has been entwined with yours and I never want to be without you. Your love and support are like air to me. I love you more than life.”

I quickly wiped away a tear before the giving of rings. My thumbs ran over the tops of both of her hands as I held them. I was dying to kiss my wife.

Remi smiled a brilliant smile and she cried. Her eyes closed as she tried to gain control.

“I’m still your damsel, you know,” she said brokenly.

My heart filled to bursting and I gathered her to me, not waiting to be told I could kiss

her. My hand cupped the back of her head as my other arm held her close. Her arms slid around my shoulders. She was shaking with soft sobs.

“Oh, babe. You will be forever. Forever and Always.”

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