Page 12 of Forever & Always

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I realized I hadn’t introduced her and needed to rectify the situation, but how? I didn’t want to introduce her as my girlfriend. “Remi, this is Christy Taylor.”

“His girlfriend,” Christy pointed out.

“Yes. Nice to meet you,” Remi said politely.

Suddenly, it was of the utmost importance that I explain to both women exactly how things were… and with Christy, it would be easy: I was leaving, I’d be busy as hell, and I didn’t have time for a girlfriend. I found myself desperate to make Remi understand that yes, Christy was fun, and I liked her, but she could never replace my best friend.

I couldn’t wait until dinner would end and Remi and I would be able to catch up; when the world could disappear, and it would be just us. But after all this time, would we be able to fall back into our bubble? It felt like it, but we hadn’t talked in months, and I was worried. All I knew was that as I embarked on the biggest challenge of my life, I needed my best friend. She’d be as far away from me as Christy, but I didn’t want to let distance ruin us again.

Everything could turn all around me, but during the time without Remi, I’d learned she was my North Star and always would be.


I’d asked Remi to meet me in the parking lot next to her car. I’d leaned closer to her ear and whispered that I needed a minute to explain to Christy. At first, Remi was hesitant, but when Christy excused herself to use the bathroom, I was able to insist.

“Come on, Remi. You said you wanted to get away from the crowd,” I’d pleaded.

“Yes, but, she’s your girlfriend… and I feel bad.”

I shook my head. “No buts. I’ll explain about her later, and there’s more to it. Trust me.” Maybe the urgency in my voice swayed her, but Remi silently nodded, and an instant wave of relief swept over me.

“Okay, do you still have your Altima?” She nodded again. “Meet you there in ten minutes.”

She said goodbye to the others and promised to meet them at the hotel later.

Bliss winked at me and gave me the thumbs up when Remi left the table first. Everyone else had risen from their chairs by the time Christy came back from the bathroom. I was in the middle of saying goodbye to my aunt, uncle, and little cousins.

“Okay, squirts,” I said, ruffling first one, then the other of their heads. “Text me tomorrow mid-morning and we’ll make plans for the rest of the day, okay?”

“Sure, Dylan! Lily said enthusiastically. “Aren’t you meeting us for breakfast at the hotel?”

I wondered how late Remi and I would be up tonight. “Um, sure. I can.”

“Can we go see the big pool on campus, after? Uncle Chase said it’s much bigger than the one at the hotel!” Lyla looked expectantly up into my face.

I smiled. “I’m not sure it’s still open, but either pool, I’m gonna cannon ball you, so be warned!”

Both girls giggled, and I caught my Uncle Ben’s eye. He was grinning. The dimple in his cheek that mirrored my own making an appearance. He winked. I adored my two little cousins and they had latched on to both Remi and I, tagging along with us every summer as if we were tied together with ropes. It started when Aunt Marin allowed them to follow at about age four and Remi and I had a blast watching them grow up. I realized that we were also growing up but had a few years head start.

I found myself wishing that Remi would be able to join in on everything. It was weird; we hadn’t seen each other in what seemed like forever, but my heart felt happier just knowing I’d be spending time with her tonight.

“We’re at the Martin Inn, Dylan. We have a suite so you can stay with us. You’ll come over later?” my mother asked.

“Yeah, Dad told me. Yes, I will, but I’ve kind of got plans.” I wondered if Remi was also staying in a suite with her parents or had her own room because her little brother and sister would be staying with Chase and Teagan.

“With Christy?” I could tell from the expression on my mother’s face that she wasn’t a fan of my cheerleader girlfriend.

I smirked at her, slid an arm around her shoulders and squeezed. “No. Remi.”

Mom’s eyes widened and her brows arched as a smile spread across her face. She patted my stomach and nodded. “That’s good.”

“It is,” I agreed.

“We’ll just plan on seeing you for breakfast, then.” My mother nodded slightly indicating Christy was coming back from the bathroom. “What about that one?”

“I’ll talk to her and tell you about it later.” I was rewarded with another pat and a kiss on my cheek. “Can you tell Josh and Mace what’s going on, so they don’t bug me tonight?”

“Sure, honey. You and Remi need time to catch up.”

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