Page 20 of Forever & Always

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“We lie through our teeth, of course!” Dylan’s voice was low so only I could hear but then he laughed out loud. “Duh!” He reached over and lifted my drink from my hand and took a huge mouthful. Enough to empty the glass by half.

“Hey!” I protested.

“Oh, quiet. You know you can’t resist me when I’m being charming.”

I could feel my face flush, despite being in the sun. I’d always found him irresistible, and obviously it hadn’t changed. It was true, he was hard to resist but it didn’t help my plight that he knew.

“Your ego knows no bounds.” My heart was full of Dylan at that moment, and I was in shock how much I still missed him. I felt guilty because I hadn’t returned even one of Alan’s calls or texts since Dylan and I had left the restaurant the day before. Alan knew about Dylan; knew our history and he wasn’t threatened by it, but that was because to date, he hadn’t met him. I’d managed to keep things casual to this point, but I sensed he was going to ask me to move in with him at the start of medical school.

Dragging myself out of my thoughts, I glanced at Dylan. He was still wearing his sunglasses so I couldn’t see his deep blue eyes, but his face was turned in my direction, so I knew he was watching me. “What?” I asked.

“You’re thinking of your boyfriend, right?” He sighed.

It shouldn’t have surprised me how well Dylan still knew me. Fundamentally, we were the same people we’d always been, the same kids who grew up together. Dylan knew me so well.

I nodded. “He might not like me disappearing on a road trip with another guy.”

“You avoided the question last night, but it must be pretty intense between you if you give him power to decide if you can go on a trip with me. You’ve known me most of your life and I don’t think I like that some guy I’ve never met has the power to determine if I can spend time with you.”

I felt reluctant to speak to Dylan about Alan. Reluctant to put it in Dylan’s head that I might be committed to Alan, and I had to stop and ask myself why. Was I hoping to leave the door open between us? Just in case?

I swallowed to try and ease the tightening in my throat. I paused but didn’t want my hesitancy to make more of it in Dylan’s mind, especially since he’d just parted ways with Christy. I told myself that it probably wouldn’t matter if it hadn’t in all these years. “I didn’t say that, Dylan. We’re dating.”

“Just dating? If that were true, then you wouldn’t have that crinkle that shows up between your eyebrows when you’re worried.” He pointed to the spot on his own face.

I sighed in exasperation. “I thought you were going to tell me about your morning. How did we jump from your relationship to mine?”

“Because I don’t have one anymore,” Dylan responded easily. He was so handsome he almost stole my breath. “And… you’ve got the crinkle.” He smiled.

Instantly, I made myself stop frowning. “There isn’t much to tell. We met first semester of last year when we were paired as lab partners in an advanced chem class. We have the same adviser.”

“That sounds very clinical. I bet sex is amazing,” Dylan said blandly.

Alan was the only guy I’d ever been with, so I didn’t have anything to compare it to, but I wasn’t about to admit that to Dylan. Not Dylan. I bristled. “Alan is a nice guy. We have a lot in common. The same life goals.”

Dylan chuckled. “That sounds super-hot, Remi. You’re proving my point.”

“Well, you know what? There is more to life thanboning.” I made air quotes with two fingers on both hands.

Dylan’s head snapped around and then a slow grin slid across his mouth, carving two impressive dimples into his tanned face. “Did you just sayboning? Really?”

I tried not to laugh but couldn’t help myself as I burst into a full giggle. “Yes?”

Dylan laughed out loud. “Whoareyou?”

“Remi, Dylan, do you want any more pizza?” Missy called from under the cabana interrupting the intimacy of the moment.

“We’re good, Mom!” Dylan waved. “So, you are coming with me to Knoxville, right?”

“Right.” I nodded. I wouldn’t have been able to refuse if the world was ending.

“Good! Let’s swim for a little more with the munchkins then we can pack a bag and head out.”

“You want to leave tonight? I thought we were going to leave tomorrow…”

“Why wait?”

“Because we’d have to explain, and also, I need you to take me to pick up my car tonight.”
