Page 26 of Forever & Always

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“I know! It’s something about being in the mountains that just makes me ravenous.”

I laughed happily. This felt like old times. I wasn’t going to allow the devil sitting on my shoulder to make me question anything. I just wanted to enjoy my time with Dylan. It might be a long time before we would ever have another opportunity to be together like this. If we ever would again, I thought miserably. I reminded myself about the promise I’d just made myself and pushed the bad thoughts aside.

Dylan followed the signs to the theme park and got in the shortest line of cars for entrance. “I’m surprised how many cars are still coming in this late,” Dylan remarked. When it was our turn, he quickly showed our cabin receipt to the attendant who then waved us through. One of the perks of staying on property was free parking.

Dylan grabbed the long-sleeved button down from the back seat and tied it around his waist after we’d both hurried out of the car. He grabbed my hand, and we started walking toward the park entrance. After purchasing tickets in another line, we were soon inside.

I was taking everything in. The way Dylan’s hand was possessively holding mine, the sights, and smells… the coolness of the night air in the Smokey Mountains. There was a distinct aura of happiness around us, the scent of blacktop, funnel cakes, barbeque, and pine trees all mixing in a magical, one-of-a-kind aroma that I loved.

“There is something about how theme park’s smell. Ever notice that?” I asked.

Dylan nodded and squeezed my hand. “Yeah. Especially Dollywood. The pine trees, right?”

I smiled with a short nod. “Exactly.”

“I think Hickory House is just over that hill.” We had to walk past and under a few of the roller coasters to get there, but soon the log structure with red and white checkered tablecloths came into view.

I was acutely aware that Dylan was still holding my hand as we stood in line waiting to order, both of us perusing the overhead menu, only letting go when he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket to pay for our meal of two brisket sandwiches, wedge fries and beer.

The restaurant had several picnic tables strewn about the indoor-outdoor venue and we chose a small table by one of the log railings. There was country music playing throughout the park that was mixed in with sounds of rollercoasters whizzing by on metal tracks and screaming riders.

Dylan and I looked at each other, smiled, and then we both dug into our sandwiches with gusto.

“Oh my God, this is so good!” I said with my mouth full. Unladylike as it was, the tangy barbeque sauce and tender beef was bursting with flavor.

I knew Dylan was just as appreciative of the delicious sandwich by his mid-chew grin and nod. “I know. Maybe I’d be happy to sit here stuffing my face until the park closes.”

I felt free and happy. Life seemed so much simpler here with Dylan. I finished my bite and took a sip of my beer. “Okay, but there is so much to do we have to make a plan.”

Dylan rolled his eyes. “Some things never change,” he said, going in for another bite then picking up one the fries from the shared order between us and dipping it in ketchup.

“Someone has to know what’s going on,” I answered cheekily. “Left up to you, we’d just run around like chickens with our heads cut off and probably miss something!”

“Well,” Dylan began, setting down his almost devoured sandwich and reaching for his beer. “Sometimes, low gear is nice. Can’t we just go with the flow? It’s more about reconnecting with you then ramming in a bunch of rides, Remi.” His eyes were serious and for the hundredth time in the last twenty-four hours my heart stopped.

I swallowed and licked my lips, not really sure how to respond. “That’s true, but I know you, Dylan Jeffers. You love the roller coasters, but you’ll want the water rides, too. And I’d like to see some of the shows, but I agree… we can take it easy tonight. The sun and water today have worn me out and if I’m tired, you must be exhausted.”

“Do you still want to find a grocery store? If not, I’m fine with grabbing snacks at the park to have in the cabin overnight, and just living off the land.” He winked at me and proceeded to finish his sandwich. Instinctively, I knew that he meant just eat at the park all day. “Are you down?”

“So down.” His eyes were sparkling, and my face hurt from smiling so much. I felt giddy in a way I hadn’t in years. “As long as a funnel cake is in there somewhere. With cherries.”

Dylan laughed as I pushed the last half of my sandwich in his direction and he unconsciously reached for it, just like old times.

“Hell, yeah! Definitely, cherry funnel cake! Best breakfast, ever.”


I didn’t want the evening to end, but the fireworks had just finished popping off and the park would be closing soon.

Dylan’s eyes looked tired, or maybe languid, I wasn’t sure. Maybe it was me wishing on the moon, but I physically felt it whenever he looked at me. The evening air was decidedly cooler, and I shivered on the walk out of the park. Without speaking, Dylan untied his long-sleeved shirt from around his waist and draped it on my shoulders.

“I figured you’d get cold.” He explained his reasoning for bringing it with us out of the car.

“That was thoughtful.”

Dylan’s arm slid around my shoulders, and he pulled me to his side. “That’s me. Prince Dylan.”

He chuckled softly as I glanced up at him. I knew my adoration had to be pouring out of my face because I felt it in my heart and like a bubble around us. I wanted to slide my arm around his waist, but to do so would defeat the purpose of his gesture to keep me warm. I let his comment go because we’d already had one damsel conversation and I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. I had no way of knowing what he meant so felt it was better to let it lie. He’d explain if he wanted to share more.
