Page 30 of Fallen Knight

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I can physically feel the relief wash over him as he touches his mouth to mine in a sweet kiss.

Normally, I find comfort in the feel of Tristan’s lips. Crave the sensation of bliss I experience whenever we’re together. Welcome the escape being with him has always provided me.

Not anymore.

Now, nothing seems powerful enough to distract me from Creed’s presence looming nearby.



This is bloody torture.It doesn’t matter how much I’d prepared for tonight. How much I convinced myself it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. It all went out the window the second I saw Tristan kiss Esme.

It shouldn’t bother me like it does.

I shouldn’t care that she’s moved on.

I have, too… Sort of.

That still doesn’t make it any easier to watch them together, the picture of the perfect couple. Much like she and Jameson were all those years ago.

But what makes this hurt worse is that she actually likes Tristan.

Maybe even loves him.

She chose him.

She didn’t choose me. Not when it mattered.

Throughout the first part of the performance, I do my best to keep my attention focused on everything that’s going on outside of the royal box. Taking note of anyone who seems suspicious. Anything that appears out of ordinary. Anything to distract myself from the awareness prickling my skin every time Esme pretends to look at the far end of the stage, only for her eyes to steal a glimpse at me.

When I don’t think I can endure another second of this, the theater lights come back on for the first intermission. I slip into the hallway and make my way toward an exterior door, pushing it open and stepping onto a stone balcony overlooking the city of Montrose. It’s doubtful anyone would attempt to scale the wall in the hopes of gaining access to the royal family this way, but it’s still an entry point. When the king and first two people in the line of succession are here, every entry point has to be covered, no matter what.

“Everything okay?” Archie asks. “I didn’t hear anything over the com.”

“It’s fine. I was hoping we could switch for the next act.”

If he finds my request odd, he doesn’t say anything. I doubt he has to. He’s been Esme’s chief protection officer since Adam died. He probably knows her better than anyone, her boyfriend included.

No doubt he’s more than aware of our history, too. Senses I’d rather walk across a rickety bridge over a river filled with alligators and venomous snakes than have to suffer through another second of watching Tristan touch Esme.

“You got it.”

“Thanks, mate.”

He gives me a smile before walking past me and opening the door. Just before he’s about to disappear, he looks my way. “Hey, Lawson?”


He opens his mouth then snaps it shut, seeming to toil over his words. “It’s hard on her, too.”

He allows his statement to sink in for a beat before continuing into the building, leaving me outside on a chilly late October night. But the cold is a welcome distraction from the emotions warring inside me.

The sound of laughter and boisterous conversation cuts through, and I step toward the ledge of the balcony, eyes scanning the patio below as women in gowns and men in tuxedos mingle, sipping on champagne and other beverages.

“Why did she leave in the first place?” a woman snips, her high-pitch voice echoing against the stone. “I get her bodyguard died, and she almost did, too, but come on. She couldn’t have been that shaken up. He was just the help. Would you be that distraught if your nanny or housekeeper kicked it?”

“Of course, I would be,” one of her equally catty friends replies, feigning sincerity. “I mean, do you know how hard it is to find reliable help these days? I’m not about to clean my house. And changing nappies? Absolutely not.”
