Page 31 of Fallen Knight

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Jaw ticking, I close my eyes, resisting the urge to remind them that their housekeeper and nanny are people, too. I’ve forgotten how much I hate this part of the job. At larger scale events where Anderson’s slated to make a speech, I don’t typically have to deal with people from high society. Not to mention, he spent all of September and the first half of October in the States.

Now that we’re back, I’m reminded why I avoid these events as much as possible, often assigning them to other members of my team. But I wanted to be here tonight. If for no other reason than to observe Anderson for any signs of distress. Granted, I’m not actually in a position to watch him at the moment, but if there’s anyone I trust to keep an eye on him and intervene quickly, it’s Archie.

“I can’t believe Tristan Hughes isstillwith her. Like, what does he even see in her? Other than the fact she’s a princess, or whatever. But he’s Hollywood royalty. Pretty sure that gives him more clout thanher. I don’t get it. She’s not even that pretty.”

I grip the ledge, fighting the urge to shout that they should show her more respect. That Tristan’s with her because the Princess Royal is one of the most amazing, compassionate, thoughtful, and beautiful people I’ve ever met. That the world is a better place for having her in it. That mylifeis better for having her in it, regardless of how excruciating it is to watch another man touch her.

Touch what once was mine.

Thankfully, the lights flicker before I do something that would get me fired, signaling the opera’s about to resume.

Over the next few minutes, everyone files back inside, the world becoming quiet once more. Until I hear the door to the balcony open and close.

I whirl around, sucking in a sharp inhale when Esme emerges outside.

“Sorry,” she says nervously, stopping abruptly in her tracks. “I didn’t… I didn’t realize you were out here.”

“Are you okay?” I step toward her.

“Just… Needed some air.” She pauses, chewing on her bottom lip as she shifts from foot to foot.

I expect her to turn around and head back inside without another word. Instead, she keeps coming closer until she’s standing less than a foot away.



I stare at her for what feels like an eternity, unable to look away. She’s just so damn beautiful. And what makes her even more so is that she probably doesn’t even realize how stunning she is, especially in that sleek green silk gown. It’s classic yet still incredibly sensual, a deep V leaving her back exposed.

No wonder I couldn’t stop staring at her all night.

“It’s hard, ya know? Being here after so long. Some things have changed, but others…” She shakes her head, heading toward the ledge. “Others are the same.”

I join her, watching as she draws in deep breath after deep breath.

Like Esme said. Some things have changed. But others have stayed the same.

There’s no doubt in my mind she still occasionally suffers from anxiety. How could she not after everything she’s been through? Being ripped from the life she once had to become third, then second in line to the crown. Being the one to discover her mother’s unconscious body. Then all the years of having every decision made for her.

It’s no wonder she struggles being back here.

I doubt this tension between us makes things any easier.

“Five things you can see,” I say after several long moments.

She whips her gaze toward me, a wrinkle on her forehead. “What?”

“I know how much that used to help you whenever you were feeling unusually anxious about something. And considering you’ve been stuck in the royal box with your father, grandmother, Silas Archer, as well as Jameson Gates for the past hour, I’d wager your anxiety is through the roof right now.”

“You remember that?”

Nodding slowly, I inch toward her, despite the nagging voice urging me to keep my distance. But the pull of the past is too strong.

“I remember everything about you.”

She parts her lips as she searches my eyes, my confession lingering in the space between us.

A confession I should have kept to myself.
