Page 55 of Fallen Knight

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Until she screamed my name.

Panic raced through me, my mind going through all the possible holes in security at this hotel. We chose this place because it has the least potential weaknesses.

Did someone get a hold of my security reports and exploit that weakness for his own gain? It’s always my biggest fear on one of these junkets.

“Is someone here?” I press when Esme doesn’t immediately answer. “What happened? Why did you scream?”

Adrenaline heats my veins as I continue assessing my surroundings. The enormous bed with mountains of pillows. The ornate wooden dresser. The crystal chandelier hanging overhead. The lush carpeting at my feet.

As I step closer to the bed, my pulse throbs in my ears. And that’s not all. There’s a low buzz of electricity coming from somewhere. Like I’m standing next to a live wire.

“Creed…” Esme takes several deep breaths. “There’s no one here.”

I shift my gaze to her and study her appearance. Her hair and makeup are exactly as they were when we arrived at the hotel earlier, but she’s wearing a t-shirt.

Her mobile is tossed onto the mattress beside her, her heels, dress, and bra thrown in a pile by a chair. I try not to focus on her lace bra. Try not to wonder if she has a matching set of knickers. I don’t have to wonder for long, though, glimpsing a matching pair beside the bed.

I quickly look away. “Are you okay? Why were you calling for me?”

“Creed,” she begins again, attempting to get her breathing under control.

Her chest heaves, her face and neck slightly flushed. Her pupils are dilated, and there’s a subtle tremble to her motions. It almost reminds me of how she looked after I got her off. The glow on her skin. The trouble catching her breath. The tingles that continued to affect her long after my touch was gone.

And that’s when it hits me. She wasn’t screaming my name because she was in trouble. She was screaming my name because she was fantasizing about me while getting herself off. And that buzzing filling the room isn’t a live wire. Not in the traditional sense.

Blinking, I glance at the foot of the bed where the muffled sound is coming from. She moves her leg under the duvet, as if reaching for something with her foot.

Suddenly, a thud echoes in the stillness, the hum growing louder. In the grand scheme of things, it’s probably no louder than the subtle whirring of the heating unit. But as I snap my eyes toward the floor and see a bright pink vibrator on the carpet, the buzzing seems more deafening than a jet engine.

I should look away. Excuse myself and pretend I never saw this.

I can’t, though. Not with the knowledge that Esme screamed my name as she fucked herself with this vibrator. All I can do is stare, my heart caught in my throat.

A part of me wants to ask if she was finished. If she wants me to use it on her. If she wants me to make her scream again, but this time even louder.

God, I’d give anything to do that. To feel her body shake beneath mine. To taste her need for me.

But I made an oath to serve the royal family. I can’t break that oath.

Can’t disappoint my father.

Can’t betray Adam.

“Creed, I—”

“I brought your dinner,” I interject curtly, my demeanor stiff and disinterested once more.

Then I spin on my heels and continue out of her suite, not even stopping to check in with the guard stationed outside as I make a beeline for my room.

Which is right next to Esme’s.

I pace the length of my room, clenching and unclenching my fists. If there were ever a time for a drink, now would be it. While I may not be on duty right now, as Esme’s CPO, I’m essentially on call twenty-four seven. I won’t touch a single drop of alcohol until I’m back home.

I don’t know what I thought I’d find when I burst into her bedroom. I was convinced something was wrong. That, despite all my hours of planning and closing any potential security loopholes I found in my analysis, someone still managed to sneak into Esme’s suite undetected.

I should have known better.

Should have known those weren’t screams of fear.
