Page 254 of Heart’s Cove Hunks

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He leans down to press a soft kiss on my lips. “Were he and Lily together?”

I chew my bottom lip. “No.”

“So why are you mad at him?”

I huff. “He and Lily were supposed to end up happy together. I asked her if he ran away when he found out about the cancer, but she said she’s the one who broke it off. I don’t know. I just don’t believe it.”

Grant kisses me again and leans his forehead against mine. “What kind of cancer is it?”

“Breast,” I tell him. “She’ll lose her breast and have to get chemo, all while being pregnant. I don’t even want to think about how hard that’ll be.”

“What can I do to help?”

The words are soft, but they warm me all the way to my toes. This is why I fell in love with Grant. He’s such a strong, steady presence in my life. The past few years have been so full of joy that if I had tried to imagine this life when I was married to my ex-husband, I wouldn’t have thought it was possible. My past feels like a distant story that happened to someone else.

Glancing at the diamond ring glittering on my finger, I snuggle into Grant’s chest and let out a sigh. “I don’t know. Just hug me.”

He chuckles, then presses a kiss to the top of my head. “That, I can do.” His hands sweep over my back before moving lower. “And maybe we can ask Miss Fifi if she needs some company later.”

I freeze, pull away, and stare up at him. Horror floods every inch of me. “Miss Fifi,” I whisper, remembering that mortifying conversation I had with Simone about my own freaking vagina. Grant walked in on us talking about it, and I just about exploded from embarrassment. “You knew? You knew what we were talking about?”

Grant’s lips twitch. “She’s not so shy anymore, is she?” His hands slide around to my front and I yelp, laughing. I bat his hands away until he wraps me up in a hug and pulls me tight to his chest. “Don’t push me away,” he growls, pressing a kiss to the corner of my lips. “I’ve become quite fond of Miss Fifi.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

“Would you say Miss Fifi is having more fun than she had in college, or less? Just for reference.” His hands slide over my curves again and squeeze.

I bark out a laugh. “Stop it.”

Pausing, Grant pulls away and gives me one of the crinkly-eyed smiles I love so much. “Never.”



The girls split up shortly after Rudy drives away, and I end up having dinner at Trina’s house. My mother attempts to drive me home, but I insist on walking, telling her in no uncertain terms that no matter what’s going on with me physically, I will not be coddled.

That’s how I end up walking home and stopping in the community garden. Dorothy has gone home, and I have the place to myself. It’s become a bit of an oasis for me, like all the hours of community and joy poured into the soil here now soak into my skin. As I sit on one of the benches and stare up at the night sky, I let out a long breath.

Today was hard, but it was also wonderful.

Well, it was wonderful until I saw Rudy driving away with another woman, but what did I expect? I told him I didn’t want to be with him. I can’t exactly blame him for moving on. That’s what I wanted, isn’t it?

Still, if he were in front of me right now, I might punch him right in his stupid, handsome face.

“Lily?” Rudy’s voice sounds behind me.

I turn to see him at the entrance to the garden. As soon as my gaze lands on his broad, masculine features, the urge to punch him is replaced with an urge to kiss him. I close my eyes. Maybe I should book an extra appointment with Dr. Gardner this week, because I think I need professional help.

“What are you doing here on your own?” Rudy’s footsteps move closer.

I open my eyes to see him standing next to my bench. He nods to the open seat next to me, and I shrug. He sits, and every inch of me wants to melt into his warmth. Instead, I lean on the arm of the bench to put more space between us.

Silence settles over us, but it’s not uncomfortable. It’s never uncomfortable with Rudy. Even though he was with another woman earlier, I still can’t quite ignore the desire to lean my head on his shoulder and inhale the scent of his skin. Being wrapped up in his arms feels like home, and how many homes have I had in my life? How many times have I felt as content when I was drifting from country to country with all my possessions in two suitcases?

Not many.

“You told your family about your diagnosis today?” he finally asks. His voice settles over my skin like velvet, and my shoulders relax despite myself.
