Page 3 of Savage Hearts

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Wrecking all of us.

For a moment, we all just stand in silence, staring after the place where Willow disappeared. It’s so fucking hard to process everything that’s happened. Last night, we were dancing, happy and free for the first time in a long time. We thought things were going to be okay. We thought we could stop running for a bit. Everything felt perfect.

We all fucked Willow, and it was like the final piece of a puzzle clicking into place. Like everything was the way it was supposed to be. And now she’s gone. Snatched into a Jeep by her asshole of a ‘fiancé,’ and we have no idea where she’s being taken.

It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

“Malice,” Vic rasps, sounding exhausted but determined. “Help me up.”


Victor cuts him off, shaking his head. “It’s not that bad. He just tagged me in the side. And we can’t stay here. The longer we stay, the farther away she gets. We need to get moving.”

“Where are we even going?” I ask, moving in to help Malice as we get Vic to his feet.

“We know Troy took her,” Vic grits out. “So that’s somewhere to start. We just need to figure out where the fuck he’s going to take her. Come on. Let’s go. We need to find a car to hot-wire. You can stitch me up once we’re on the move.”

That’s how I can tell how serious he is about this. He’s willing to let someone stitch him up in the back of a moving car. There’s no way that’ll give him the nice, precise stitches he prefers when it comes to shit like this, and he usually likes to handle this kind of thing himself. But right now, finding Willow is more important. Important enough to cut through the mental hang-ups Vic gets sometimes.

Malice drags in a deep breath and lets it out. “Okay. Right.” He glances at me. “You’re the best at hot-wiring, so you take point. There’s got to be something decent around here we can steal.”

I nod.

There’s still an empty, gaping wound in my heart, but I try to push that aside for now. We have a goal, and I need to focus on that instead of letting the agony in my chest overwhelm me.

I need to focus all of my energy on one unalterable fact.

My brothers and I will do whatever it takes to get Willow back.



Consciousness comes backto me slowly, in fits and starts.

I’m aware of my body before anything else, aware of the ache in my muscles and the way my chest hurts. My head feels fuzzy, and I struggle to open my eyes, but the lids feel too heavy. When I try to think back to what happened, my stomach drops and my head aches, so I take a deep breath against it.

There are…hands on me?

I feel like I’m moving, like someone is carrying me, and thick fingers brush over my body, but they don’t feel familiar.

“Hey!” someone snaps. “Keep your fucking hands to yourself. I didn’t bring you here so you could feel her up, you jackass.”

Wait. I know that voice.

It all comes rushing back to me in a dizzying swirl of emotions and images and feelings. I remember running from the Jeep, Vic going down in a heap in front of me, and someone snatching me away from the guys before they could even react. My eyes snap open just as I’m being set down, and Troy’s deceptively handsome face swims into view above me.

There’s no expression on his face, but something burns in his eyes. It’s not quite triumph, but something darker, something that probably doesn’t bode well for me.

“Morning,honey,” he says, the endearment sounding like poison as it falls from his tongue.

My tongue feels thick in my mouth, and it’s a struggle to get the words out. “You’re su…pposed to be d…ead.”

He snorts, disdain practically dripping from the sound. “You should have told your pet criminal to aim better if you wanted me dead, sweetheart. He didn’t hit anything vital. The blood loss almost got me, but hey.” He smirks, shrugging with one shoulder. “I have the best doctors money can buy.”


“That’s enough chit chat.” Troy cuts me off. “You should go back to sleep for now. It’s gonna be a long trip.”
