Page 63 of Savage Hearts

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I can’t help but look as Ransom takes his clothes off too.

He’s so fucking handsome, his tattoos on display as he shucks off the shirt and starts going for his jeans.

Neither of us speak, but we don’t have to. We’re both too caught up in this moment and everything it’s loaded with. The tension cranks up another notch or two as Ransom drags his jeans down, revealing that he wasn’t wearing underwear at all.

It’s very him, but my cheeks still flare with heat at the sight of it, and I have to swallow hard when I realize he’s already hard.

The metal studs in his cock catch the light from the window over the tub, and it makes my pulse race just that much faster to see it.

Ransom catches me looking and quirks a grin at me. “Sorry. I can’t really help it. My dick just likes you a lot.”

That makes me laugh, and my cheeks are flushed as the compliment settles over me. We haven’t even done anything, but the sight of me naked is still enough to get Ransom hard.

Finally, I tear my eyes away from his naked body and move to get into the tub. Ransom helps me, steadying me as I step in, and then he gets in as well, sitting down with his back against the edge of the tub, leaving room for me to settle against him if I want to.

The tub is large enough that I wouldn’t have to, if I wanted my space. I could lean against the opposite edge, and only our legs would be tangled together.

But instead of doing that, I move to lean against his chest, settling between his legs.

The minute my bare back touches his bare chest, something in me seizes up. There’s a moment of a tension as the world narrows down to just the feeling of his skin on mine and awful memories of Troy try to break through to the forefront of my mind.

But I remind myself that I’m safe.

I’m not with Troy. I’m with Ransom, and he would never hurt me.

That thought goes a long way toward calming me down, and I take a few deep breaths, relaxing every muscle in turn as I sink into the warm water.

Ransom doesn’t rush me. He doesn’t move away or move to touch me more, just letting me find my comfort zone. Once I’m no longer stiff and tense, he wraps his arms around me, holding me loosely enough that I don’t feel held down, but tight enough that I feel the comfort in it.

I inhale the lemony air around us and then let out that breath, closing my eyes and drifting a bit.

“You were starting to remind me of Vic,” Ransom murmurs. “With all that research you were doing in his office.”

“There’s so much to sift through,” I reply, my eyes still closed. “Olivia has her fingers in so many pies, and I need to know about all of it. I understand why rich people have to hire people to handle all their affairs and stuff. There’s just so much.”

He nods, humming thoughtfully. “It does make a lot of sense. I know Vic would probably volunteer to go through everything and just tell you what you need to know. He likes this kind of stuff.”

“I know he does. And I know he would. But it feels like something I need to know myself. She made this so personal when she dragged me into it and tried to take away my life. When she came for you guys. I want it to be personal right back when we ruin her.”

He laughs at that, and the sound is low and deep. It sends a shiver down my spine, and this close, I can feel the vibrations in his chest.

“I love how savage you’re being about this,” he tells me. “She deserves every fucking bit of it. And then some.”

“She does.” I open my eyes, biting my lip. “And I want her to suffer for everything she did to us. But at the same time…”

“Yeah?” Ransom asks, nudging me a little when I trail off.

“At the same time, I’m just ready for all of this to be over. I’m on her level now, I can play in her world, and I have the resources to take this fight to her, which is great. But I’m so ready to just be done with it. To be free of her, you know? It’s nice to not be on the run anymore, but she’s still a threat.”

Ransom runs a wet hand down my arm, and I can feel him nodding behind me. “Yeah, I get what you mean. We have more leverage, a firmer place to stand than we did before, but it’s not the same as not having to deal with her at all.”

“Exactly. I guess at least we have a home now.”

“There is that. I wasn’t gonna complain, but living out of that hotel was so fucking shitty. It was too small, Malice snores like a fucking freight train, and Vic is so particular about where you put your shoes.”

I giggle at that, relaxing against him even further. “I hate to break it to you, but the massive bed we got means that you’re still going to have to listen to Malice snoring.”

He sighs dramatically, but there’s such an edge of humor to it that it makes me laugh. “Clearly, I was born just to suffer. Ah, well. Getting to curl up with you makes it worth it.”
