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“This really is our dance.”

Lio pulled her close, wrapping one arm around her waist while he twined his other hand in hers. “Do you, my darling Cassia, wish for a dance?”

“With all my heart, my love.”

Her feet never touched the ground as he slid out onto the surface of the ice. His shoes soughing, he guided them in a graceful pirouette. Ahhs and cheers and applause erupted from the crowd. Lio spun her all around, giving her a complete view of everyone who watched them.

“What a different audience we have tonight,” she marveled.

“Months ago in Tenebra, the night of Caelum’s temple day, I had never been so furious in my life, watching you present his gift while the heartless court looked on. It was all I could do not to touch you as you walked past me. But I’ve got you now.” He lifted her in his arms, holding her fast. “I wanted you to look at me, so you could see that one person in that crowd cared for you. But see how many eyes now gaze upon you with goodwill.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, looking out over the crowd once more. All the weights on her heart became an ache in her throat, but then fled altogether, carried away on the music and the currents of kindness she could almost feel around her like magic. She felt light and free, twirling in Lio’s arms. She leaned into his turn and lifted her feet behind her. The wind made her robe swirl around her and snatched her impetuous laughter from her lips.

“This is how Hesperines dance,” he said.

In Tenebra she had partnered with him, watching him dance across from her, coming near but still moving too far away, getting to enjoy him only in brief touches of his hand. But now he danced with her body-to-body, letting her feel all the power and grace in him. Silk was no barrier, only a luxurious seduction between his skin and hers.

This was even more than the Tenebran court dance they had shared in their residence. There were no steps except the ones they chose. There was no pattern but the one they made. They danced as it pleased them from one end of the lake to the other.

“Can you tell what they are saying about us?” Lio asked her.

She shook her head, trying to catch her breath. “We’re moving too fast. But don’t slow down.”

He laughed with relish. “Let me help.”

His magic swept into her mind once more, unfolding within her, and she felt she herself was opening up. The music soared, and the distant murmurs of the crowd became personal greetings in her ears.

“Firstgift Komnenos, Graced so young! How Apollon must rejoice that his son will not wait as long as he…”

“…two new daughters in one year! Deukalion has brought such joy to his mother…”

“…our Cassia errant, safely among us…”

“…can finally escape that wretched land and enjoy the life she deserves…”

“…destined for great things, to be sure, as accomplished as they already are at such a young age…”

“What a beautiful couple they make…”

“…never seen Lio or Cassia look so happy…they’ve earned it, after all they’ve been through…”

Time seemed to ease to a halt, while the voices lauded them and the music played on. The third dance brought the rest of the crowd out onto the lake, swelling the tide of magic around them. But it was Lio’s magic that made her skin shiver and her heart pound. His power caressed her like his hands did and played in her mind like the music, deepening the Union of their dance.

Each dance was a new thrill and a different pleasure. And every dance was theirs. Cassia tried to capture every one in her memory, to fully experience each step and each beat of their hearts. But she need not hoard each crumb of time to survive on when this was over. She could dance and dance with him, as long as she wanted. The feast would never end.


Lio didn’t know whatthe hour was when they stumbled, kissing and laughing, back up to their bedchamber. Was this what mortals felt like after a night of drinking? Lio was buoyant and intoxicated from dancing and thirst and magic.

Keeping his power close at hand all night, keeping thoughts and sensations and sound flowing between them, had his magic coursing, his senses singing, and his hunger mounting. Their Sanctuary ward seemed to echo it all back to him. The glyph stone’s heartbeat was more powerful than ever since it had absorbed the shard’s spell.

Cassia unfastened his collar, pressing her body against his. “I’ve been watching you and feeling you move all night. I can’t keep my hands off of you any longer.”

He walked her backward into the room, sliding her cloak off of her as they went. “All that dancing worked up my appetite.”

“I can feel it.” She mouthed a kiss over his throat.

It was becoming instinctive to feed more power into their mental connection. He gave her a fresh taste of his hunger, and she moaned, nipping at his neck.
