Page 17 of Deadly Star

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“The energy you put out. Yes.”

She stared into his eyes. “So, pleasure or pain?”

“As you are aware, I can consume either, but pleasure lets me return to you. Pain leads to fear in most species.” He looked at her in resignation. “It becomes difficult to deal with after a time.”

“You aren’t joking.” She shouldn’t have been surprised.

“I am not. She said she wanted pain until I gave it to her. Then she decided that being an inexact match for me was more than she wanted.”

“What was the result for her?”

“She was paid off, and her family is living happily on their home world. She found a mate and started a dynasty.” He chuckled. “A good portion of the nobles on Hebor are related to her.”

“What was her name?”

“Ith’an. She thought that choosing pain over pleasure would honour her family.” Heboren shrugged, and she gripped him as her body rocked with his motion. His hand pressed her tight to him.

“Interesting choice. I have had pain. I don’t care for it.”

“You were hurt when your world began to fall?”

“Yes. In every way. I lost everything that stood for home and shelter or affection. Then I had to prove to myself that I was worthy of the life I still possessed. It was rough, but it was mine.”

“Will you tell me the tale of your survival?” There was curiosity in his gaze.

She blinked slowly and thought about it. “Maybe. Eventually. Why does it matter?”

“Once you and I are connected, I will need your entire life recorded for the official histories.”


“It is important. We may have offspring, and they will want to know about you.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” She leaned up with her arms braced on him. She ran her tongue along her teeth and had the funny feeling that someone had brushed her teeth.

He chuckled. “I am designed to try and start my own family. First survival and then reproduction.”

Nova blinked, and tears came to her eyes for a moment when she realized that humanity would be gone in two or three generations. They would disappear as if they had never been.

“Ah, you are thinking about your people.” He sat up, lifted her, and sat her facing him. His wings had pushed him upright.

“Yeah. This is the first silence that I have had since the asteroid hit.” She cuddled against him, and he rubbed her back again. “Reminding yourself that I don’t have wings?”

He snorted. “Only the Hmrain have wings. I am reminding myself how soft you are and the care I must take at first.”

She stared at his skin. “Why only at first?”

“You will change. Both of us will.” He rubbed his chin on her head. “You will grow stronger, and I will learn how you like to be touched.”

“Stronger, how?”

“You will take me into you via mouth or sex, and I will release into you. My material will work to rebuild the places your body is weak and help your stamina so that if I need to replace strength in a rush, you can assist.”

She blushed and kept her face pressed to his chest.

His mind touched hers, and he held her close. “I will be careful.”

“That’s going to be annoying in a very short amount of time,” she mumbled.
