Page 34 of Deadly Star

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“It does. Your body now registers as a consort.”

She thought about the changes already felt in her system. “Right. So, any consort could come down here?”

“Certainly. Why do you ask?”

“Just in case Lily ever makes it.”

“Ah. Nebel likes to live among his artists and researchers. You may never see your acquaintance again.”

She felt a pang. “Ah. I felt a connection with her.”

He sent a soothing wave over her as he walked down the wide steps and into the depths of the building that probably was his home.

A female feline Hebor walked up and nodded. “Welcome home, my lord. We have heard that you obtained a consort. Welcome, lady.”

“Nova, this is Hekora, the housekeeper and grand vizier. She manages the entire place. Hekora, this is Lady Nova, my best and brightest hope for a future.”

Hekora bowed. “Also pilot of at least four vessel designs, including being the hub of theDeadly Star. It is a pleasure to greet you, lady.”

The female had solid black fur that was close to her body and huge yellow eyes that crinkled as she locked gazes with Nova. “Are your species always hairless?”

“For the most part. We are not particularly well insulated.”

Hekora nodded. “I see. Overseer, your chambers are ready. Would you like anything from the kitchens?”

“A meal for her. The seamstress is scheduled for tomorrow?”

“I had her on the schedule for today.”

“Push it back. We are going to spend the day getting Nova used to the view.” He nuzzled her temple.

Nova snorted. “Why am I suspicious?”

“Because you are a clever woman.” He sent warmth through her mind that turned to heat.

She squirmed and blushed as Hekora gave him a surprised look. Nova was pretty sure that Heboren had not shielded the wave of heat.

Hekora took the bag from Nova and carried it down to a set of two huge doors that swung open after Heboren was scanned.

The housekeeper took the bag to the closet, hung up the clothing, bowed, and said, “I will be back in a few minutes with a meal. Lady, Overseer.” She backed out, and the doors closed.

Nova found herself set on the bed that was wide enough to let Heboren starfish with wings and everything. “Do you do laps in here?”

He chuckled and slipped off her shoes. “Let’s find out.” He undid her belt and pulled her dress down over her shoulders.

She tried to free her arms, but he shook his head. “No. Your species’ lack of body covering makes the following easy.”

Nova was going to ask him what, but she figured it out when he flipped up her skirt and knelt between her thighs.

She didn’t even notice the tray dropped off for her until a smug Heboren sat up against the headboard and hand-fed her the food. After dinner, he settled her in bed, kissed her forehead, and then left her. She was too tired to care; she was out.

Chapter Eight

Lily started to shake when the pain flared up. She was confused as it was supposed to be healed, but since most of the pain emanated from her clit, she guessed that even the healing light couldn’t get where the sun didn’t shine.

She was curled up in bed and only noticed the drone when she whimpered. Lights flared on the small bot. Nebel was in the room in thirty seconds and got a box from a shelf. When he opened it, she saw one of the small regen units the education station favoured.

He looked at her. “Where does it hurt?”
