Page 49 of Deadly Star

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Lily touched the panel and said, “Display available designs?”

A blur of options passed, so she clarified, “Display available designs for females of my body shape.”

A beam measured her from head to toe, and options streamed across the unit, all very suited to the hot weather.

She looked at an outfit that seemed to be made of some kind of gauze and selected it. A countdown started.

Nebel grinned. “Well done. Now a shower, and then we can get the proper piercings into you.”

She nodded and soon was being scrubbed from head to toe with all the focus being on her piercings. He sat her on the edge of the bed, got a flat case from somewhere, used two forceps, and began to remove the placeholders and put small rings into each and every piercing.

Lily really wished he had gotten dressed first because her hands were itching to touch him.

The hoops felt weird. She wiggled her eyebrows and wrinkled her nose as the metal slowly warmed up. Her nipples were softly tugged, and she bit her lip. The navel bar went in, and he knelt and tipped her to her back. With his hands, it was obvious why he was using the forceps. His fingers were too large to manage it otherwise.

He spread her thighs wide, and she heard him sniffing before he inhaled deeply. When he removed the placeholder, she gasped. She moaned as he slid the new ring into her.

Nebel tapped it and rubbed it against her. Her hips twisted in appreciation.

“What the hell is going on with me?” She gasped as he leaned toward her to take a better look.

“You were reshaped for me. That involved some nerve bundles being rewired in my favour. Everywhere you have a ring is now a sensitive spot.” As if to prove his point, he bent his head, she felt the heat of his breath, and then his tongue flicked the new addition.

She felt the surge of moisture in time to every flick of his tongue against her. He moved lower and lapped it up. He kept lapping until she shook and jerked, her thighs on either side of his head.

He continued with broad strokes until her legs fell open, and she sighed in fatigue.

He stood up and chuckled. “See?”

Lily pulled her thighs together and turned to her side to push herself to sit. “Yeah, that was fairly graphically demonstrated.”

The chime from the fabricator meant that there was something to pick up. She hoped that was the dress. She walked to the unit, and there was a panel that glowed. She shrugged and pressed it.

A door opened, and the dress emerged. She caught it and held it up against her, smiling, before pulling the dress on over her very sensitive skin.

The dress had two-inch shoulders, and the rest was a set of divided panels that were pinned just below her breasts, along her ribs, and at her lower back. There was a final pin below her sex, but the rest of the fabric just flowed as she moved.

“Now shoes.” Nebel was putting some dark blue and enamelled cuffs on. His skirt was pleated silk trimmed with gold cording to keep it hanging down. His shoes were boots, and he added a wide Egyptian-style collar. It was also enamelled in gold and rich blue. He looked like a golden statue. He was gorgeous.

Lily sighed and looked at the grey dress she was wearing and his very pretty skirt. She was a sad wren next to his prettiness. A quick look in a mirror showed the new adornments, and she folded her hands in front of her.

He pulled his hair behind him and clipped it with a hair binding that probably was worth more than her old car.

He settled, checked his reflection, and turned to her. “Lovely. You will look better if I start selecting your clothing for each visit we are going to be making.”

“Uh, okay.”

“But for now, this will do while you have your meal.”

The house was transparent again, and they made their way to the dining area around the hallways.

“So, Nebel, why don’t you eat?”

He laughed. “I did. I am shocked you weren’t paying attention. You are extremely satisfying.”

Lily blinked. “I didn’t realize that it was in exception to everything else. I thought it was just a supplement.”

“If I am injured, I will need to replace missing mass, but I am a stable organism.”
