Page 56 of Deadly Star

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She snorted. “You made everything on me. And in me, come to think of it.”

He raised one of her hands to his lips. “You are very sweet, Lily. I like making pretty things for you.”

“Well, I do like the wings.” She flexed her shoulders.

“Good. We will be flying from the landing area to Heboren’s home.”

Lily looked down at her barely-there loin covering and her iridescent top hanging on by thin strands of chain. “Nova’s gonna be a little shocked.”

They shifted as the ship settled on the landing pad, and Nebel grinned. “The air here is a little thinner, so we have to work harder to stay aloft.”

“Okay. You are going to keep an eye on me anyway.”

Nebel bent and pressed his forehead to hers. “Of course, I will. Both of you.”

She closed her eyes for a moment and then breathed him in. “Thanks for that.”

He took her hand again and walked her into the sunlight of Hebor. A flock of drones came with them, and together, they launched into the sky.

Her wings beat heavily and quickly, clawing their way into the sky. Nebel remained next to her with his wings stroking calmly.

The drones were at a safe distance but analyzed her focus on keeping herself aloft. The pyramids reminded her of a vacation in Mexico, and she wondered if the structures were still there after all the humans were gone.

Nebel made a sharp whistle, and she banked. They had practiced it in wind pillars and on Bellen. She had been working with the wings for four out of the six months she had been there. Lily was pretty sure that she had gotten pregnant on the night she celebrated her first flight. Well, he had been celebrating her first flight. She had been gripping the headboard. All wings had been up and out.

She followed Nebel down to the ground a few yards from Heboren and Nova. Lily folded her wings back and walked to stand next to her Hmrain. He held out his hand, and she set her fingers in his palm.

They bowed, and Nebel grinned. Nova was standing next to another human who looked curious. Nova just looked shocked.

“Hiya, Nova. You have a bump.” Lily grinned.

“Yeah. Lily. Holy shit!” Nova blinked and then rushed over to deliver a hug.

Lily hugged her back, and she whispered into Nova’s ear, “I brought a set for you in black, but you have to get the filaments installed.”

Nova’s arms got tighter. “You are looking... healthy.”

Lily released the hug and laughed. “I look like a movie award.”

Nova’s companion laughed loud.

“Oh, Lily, this is Reeda. Reeda, this is Lily, consort of Nebel.” Nova smiled. “Reeda was an old friend, and now, she is going to be my midwife. Well, whenever this is done cooking. Heboren says it takes a bit longer.”

Lily nodded. “I got that briefing as well. Pleased to meet you, Reeda.” She shook the other woman’s hand, and astonishment filled the woman’s face.

“Oh, my god. You are human.”

Lily rocked a hand in the air. “It is fifty-fifty at this point. The wings are prosthetics. They can come off.”

“Cool. May I look?”

Lily grinned and turned as Reeda moved around her wings.

“They are wired into you.”

“They are. I had them inserted the same day I got my ears pierced.”

“Speaking of that is... intense.”
