Page 6 of Deadly Star

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“They looked interesting. How are the males?” She grinned.

“You will have to find your own research on them. I focused on a female and gave the station my specific frequency. They found her.” He chuckled. He had gotten a few assessors onto the surface, and the one named Theedo was getting a bonus as soon as Heboren was able to confirm his consort responded as well as he had hoped. The other assessors had been asked to just look for those who showed signs of being companion class for general Hmrain use.

“Hmm. I hate doing my own research. That is why I have my people. But, perhaps due to the nature of things, I should seek one out who matches my needs. Right?”

“Choose the gender you wish as a companion and provide the education station with your frequency.” He chuckled. “And then pay the assessors for the work. After that, wait.”

“I hate waiting.”

“I am aware, but you will have to. Of course, there is also the possibility that one of our siblings has them on their worlds or that a match has been bonded out to another world or station. Get the education station to work for you. That is what it is there for. Or ask Mero to share his records.”

She snorted.

Heboren grinned and then turned back to the meeting to pledge some of his people to the new station that was being built. Both species were excellent at sniffing out exceptions to the standard biology of any new creatures they came across. He had already gotten confirmation from the two command officers of the warship assigned to pick up his consort. His candidate smelled like she was in heat. That was a very good start. He saw the minimized corner of his tablet and watched the restless sleep of his consort.

Mero cleared his throat, his mate in his lap. “Well, Heboren, if you will contribute more to the conversation than the image of your Terran, we can conclude and all go home.”

Heboren removed the image of Nova from the projection screen that had been activated for his turn to speak. “Apologies. I can offer thirty of each of my native species for security for a period of three hundred standard days, commencing two weeks from my arrival on Hebor.”

Mero nodded. “I wonder how much more we can ask for? I think that Heboren is in that delightfully delicate phase between acquiring and claiming.”

His human elbowed him in the ribs, and he chuckled. “Fine, pet. Heboren, your terms are acceptable, and you will receive the new seeds and saplings in one hundred twenty days.”

Heboren waited until he heard the words, “Council adjourned.”

He walked to the window and launched himself, his wings beating hard. His shuttle was waiting, and a few of his brethren were passing him, glancing at him. He cursed and picked up speed, notifying his shuttle crew to get things squared away and warmed up. Other Hmrain had seen his little treasure, and if he wasn’t mistaken, they were trying to beat him to his prize. Abducting consorts wasn’t unheard of, and if Nova wasn’t keyed to him, she was fair game.

He had better get his ass in the air and head home. It would be quite the fight to beat some of the other ships. Fortunately, his long-range vessel was fast. It would have to be. He really wanted to meet his consort.

* * * *

Nova grinned at the new program that had her flipping and spinning in the strange pod. She giggled as the other vessels moved with their tethers. Vessels that were firing into the simulation surrounded her, and her pod was the hub for information and feedback. She had tried one of the attack vessels, but the hub was a lot more her speed. They did the work; she just did the processing. She was having the time of her life.

The unit called time and eased to a halt. She remained still as the harness released her, and she staggered forward. It was strange to go from being whirling and feeling weightless to walking on the hardened soles of her bodysuit.

She left the unit and headed to the gym to work out. Her bodyguards formed up around her, and La’thet asked, “How was today’s simulation?”

“I really enjoy that pod. It moves so fast, and when it starts flipping around, I just want to giggle the whole time.”

Ke’vath snorted and shook his canine head lightly. “It figures that you would enjoy it. You have peculiar tastes, Mistress.”

“I have a strange set of experiences. Moving like that is a relief.” She was with her honour guard of six. They set up in the machines around her and worked out as she did, spotting her when necessary.

She was pressing nearly her own body weight, and Ke’vath was spotting for her when she heard English spoken.

“Oh, my god. Is that the cannibal?”

Nova’s arms wavered, and Ke’vath caught the bar as she sat up. “Not anymore.” She kept her voice calm and spoke in Hmrain common. “I haven’t needed to eat another biped in months.”

La’thet looked at her in surprise, but then he grinned. He was easily impressed. Her guards had read her file. They already knew.

The gaggle of women were being led around on a tour or possibly for exercise. The woman speaking had the same shade of hair that Nova had, and she was wearing her pretty gown proudly.

“Oh, did they sell your bond to entertain the troops?” The woman snorted. “Figures.”

She was sticking to English.

“Well, currently, I am regaining the body condition I lost during my survival. After that, we will see whose bed I end up in. I like the one I am in now.”
