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“Oh my god, I’m already wanting to jump out of this car and make a run for it. I’ll take my chances on my own, just get me out of here.” She bangs her head against the glass of the car and Matias sends me a wink.

When the car pulls in front of the gate, I watch Rosie for her reaction. Her brows raise and she lets go of my hand, dipping her head so she can look out the front windshield.

“Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you had money.”

Gianni smothers a laugh with a cough from the driver’s seat.

“I like to joke, but I don’t joke about that,” I state firmly.

The iron gates swing open, and we pull forward, parking in front of the steps.

A few of my men are outside waiting for us to return and I step out first, not wanting Gianni to open the door for us.

It’s important for me to show my men I’m serious about Rosie. The more I treat her with respect, the more they will. If I treat her as if she’s nothing to me, they will as well, and she doesn’t deserve that. If I’m honest, I don’t think I could treat her like that anyway. Something burns for her inside me, something I haven’t felt for anyone.

I hold out my hand to help her out of the car and she gives me a look of defiance. I slide my eyes to the left and right, hoping she becomes aware of the men around us.

She can’t deny me in front of them. Granted, I wouldn’t be surprised if she did. She’s stubborn and I love it.

With a roll of her eyes and a pinch of her lips, she reluctantly slides her hand into my palm. I let out a breath I was holding, waiting for her to make up her mind, and give her a slight nod of thanks.

She climbs out of the car, wearing nothing but a plain pair of jeans and an old t-shirt that says New England across the front. Her wild curls are all over the place and I still want to run my fingers through them, but I feel like that might be overstepping my bounds.

I know I have already, but this is different. Touching her like that seems intimate, close, a place we are not at yet—if ever.

“Wow,” she awes, staring up at the large mansion. “This is beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I place my hand on her lower back and begin to walk. She follows me and the men eye her with curiosity. “I’ll introduce you to everyone later but everyone this is Rosie. She is to be treated with respect. She’s to be my wife. If I find out you treated her badly, I’ll have your head. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Boss.”

“You got it, Mr. M.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Hey, Rosie.”

They all agree and greet her in different ways and for the first time, she leans against me, looping her arm through mine and tugging herself close.

I don’t know why, but I love that gesture. She is using me as a safe space, averting her eyes away from the men watching her, assessing her, and wondering if she will make a good addition to the Milazzo family.

I do not doubt that her fire, strength, and willpower will be a force to be reckoned with and an amazing addition to the Milazzo name.

When we step into the house, I can’t help but watch Rosie. I want to see her reaction to her new home.

“If you don’t like anything, we can change it,” I offer for some insane reason, but I want her to feel at home.

“Change?” she scoffs. “It’s beautiful. Oh my god, the fireplace.” She runs to it, smiling so wide I know her cheeks have to hurt. “I’ve never had a fireplace before.”

My smile falters a little bit, hating she hasn’t had the simple luxury of enjoying the warmth of a fireplace. “Well, maybe at some point we can use it.”

“It’s too warm,” she says sadly.

“Then I’ll turn down the air conditioner until it’s freezing, and we can use the fireplace.” I don’t even think about that choice. It’s obvious. I open the office doors and Rilo is sitting in the chair, enjoying one of my imported cigars while drinking my whiskey.

“About time you got here,” he drowses, puffing on the cigar.

“Make yourself at home, Rilo,” I sound anything but amused.
