Page 4 of Wrong Desires

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“Ethan?” her soft voice drags me from my depraved thoughts.


“How far from the office are we? And what time will I need to leave in the morning to arrive on time?”

“You will come with me,” I state, leaving no room for argument. I have this need coursing through me. This need to be around her no matter what. Jesus. I didn’t expect this when I agreed to Katrina’s demands. I smirk. I don’t think Katrina would have either. There is no way she would be happy with me obsessing over her niece. No matter how good of terms we ended on.

My eyes move to Aspen’s lap, where she wrings her hands before moving back to her face. She chews at her full bottom lip, and I want nothing more than to go over there and nibble it myself.

“Are you sure that’s okay? I don’t want to intrude. I can make my own way there.”

I put a hand up to stop her mumbling. “It’s non-negotiable. You will travel with me to the office.”

“Okay,” she sighs before her lips curve into a breath-taking smile. It’s then I know with one hundred percent certainty that I don’t care if it’s a bad idea; I don’t care that she is Katrina’s niece.

I am going to make Aspen Kincaid mine in every way.

* * *

The next morning at seven-thirty on the dot, I make my way down to Aspen’s apartment to collect her. After she left last night, I decided that she would be working for me personally. Not Caldwell’s. Me. I want to know every minute of every day, what she is doing, and I can’t do that if she is in another department or on another floor, so the conclusion I came to is that she can be my PA. I will assign Dawn, my current PA, to someone else, and Aspen can take her position. It will certainly ruffle some feathers and may cause several arguments amongst senior management. But I don’t care. I own the fucking company. I can do what the hell I like.

I knock on the door, my mind racing with what my little lamb will be wearing today. I hope it’s a skirt. Easier access. I could bend her over my desk push it up to her hips as I pull her panties down. I could play with what I am sure is a sweet cunt, getting her wet enough to take my big cock. Then I could ram into her, stretching her, make her take me. I could- I’m cut off when the door swings open, revealing Aspen. Fresh-faced, with a lick of mascara on her long lashes. A coat of gloss on her plump pink lips and her brown hair down in soft waves. My eyes drop down her body, my jaw clenches at the sexy but innocent dress she wears. I could definitely work with that.

Fuck. She is beautiful. I swear to God, if any other man in that building looks at her in a way I don’t like, I will fire the fuckers.

My gaze moves back to her face to find her blushing. I love the colour on her skin and briefly wonder if her arse would look the same after I spank her. My dick hardens in my trousers at the thought.

“Morning Ethan,” she says shyly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. I reach forward and take that lock between my fingers, rubbing the soft strands. Her breath hitches, and she stares at me.

I clear my throat. “Aspen,” I say in greeting. “My driver is waiting downstairs. Let’s go.” I grab her elbow and pull her outside towards the elevator.

“I am quite capable of walking myself.” She snaps, making me smirk. My little lamb has some fire.

I like it.

She will need that fire for what I have planned for her.

Hitting the button for the lobby, the doors open almost immediately. We step inside. She shifts nervously beside me. I watch as she swallows and wonder how far she could take me down her throat. I wonder If she could handle someone like me.

“What will I be doing today?” she asks softly, her blue eyes on me.

“You will be personally working for me.”

Those gorgeous eyes of hers widen. “Wha-whatt?” she stutters. “I thought I would be working for someone… a bit lower down in the company.” She says cautiously.

I grin, flashing some teeth. “No, little lamb. I just decided that you will be mine.” by the look on her face, I think she misses the underlying meaning in what I say. That’s okay.

She will soon figure it out.

She lets out a long sigh as we come to a stop, and I bite back a smile. My little lamb doesn’t even know the half of what I am going to put her through. I am known for being brutal in the business world, and she will see that for herself. Just as she will see how ruthless I will be when I get her underneath me, taking my big cock in her tight little cunt.

I stride out, Aspen following close behind. Maurice, who is on the door, opens it with a smile and greeting.

“Good morning, Mr Caldwell. Have a great day.”

I nod before hopping into the waiting Mercedes, where Albert has the door open for me. My little lamb scrambles in beside me. Her sweet scent hits me again, making my blood pump through my body and my dick harden to stone. A primal need, the same one that happened last night, courses through me. Without thinking, my hand darts out and clamps down on her thigh. She gasps, her eyes widening. I lean in, my lips brushing hers. I smile when she moves closer. She wants this too. I pull back and cup her cheeks.

“I have high expectations for you, little lamb. I hope you can handleme.”
