Page 43 of Inevitable

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I lean into her, kissing her little nose. “I want another baby with you, princess. I want to see your belly grow. I missed it all with Baron.” My words are soft. Coaxing.

Aria’s eyes widen. “Are you trying to get me pregnant?” she hisses.

I nod with a smirk. No point lying to her now. “Yes.”

She tries to shove me away, but I don’t let her. “You are insane. Certifiable.”

I shrug. “Probably. But it doesn’t change how I feel or what I want. We are going to have a sibling for Baron. You may think I am just going to vanish, and you have every right to feel that way. But princess, trust me when I say I am not going anywhere. We are going to be a family.”

She freezes beneath me, searching my face. “Bishop—”

I shake my head, cutting her off. “Don’t say anything. Just let what is meant to be, be.”

Aria sighs. I hope that means she is giving into me. Somehow, I don’t think it will be that easy, but I will take it.

For now.

No matter what, I will get what I want.

And that is Aria pregnant and for us to be a proper family.



I wake up feeling deliciously sore all over my body, especially between my legs. My muscles ache but in the best way. Rolling over, my eyes snap open when I feel the space beside me is empty. I frown before panic courses through me. Did Bishop leave me again? I take a second to calm myself. No, he wouldn’t. Surely. Not after what he admitted last night. The asshole is activelytryingto get me pregnant. He outright told me that he wants to see my stomach swollen with his child. My body heats at the memories, and I relax.

I fucked Bishop.


Without protection.


I make a mental note to go to the pharmacy at some point today and get a plan B pill. As much as the thought of having another child with him appeals to me, I can’t forget that he isn’t mine. He belongs to another woman. Even when he insists otherwise.

Grabbing my cell from the nightstand, I check the time. It’s just past seven, which means Baron should be waking anytime soon. Maybe he woke early, and that’s where Bishop went.

Sliding out of the bed, I grab my leggings and sweatshirt, pulling them on before padding out of the room. The lounge is empty, as is the kitchenette. Ignoring the emptiness that I feel at not finding Bishop out here, I move to the room Baron is staying, hoping that I will find him in there with our son. Pushing the door open, my heart drops when I find it empty apart from a stirring Baron in his crib. Where the hell is Bishop? If he has disappeared again, I am going to kill him.

Moving toward the cot, I push my feelings about my baby daddy aside and smile down at our son. His face is sleepy, eyes blinking as he stares up at me. A smile forms on his beautiful face, and he babbles something that sounds a lot like Mama. Just with those two little actions, the sadness I feel about Bishop not being here eases, and my heart feels full. No matter what happens, I know as long as I have Baron, I will be okay. Scooping him up, I bring him close to my chest and press a kiss to his hair. “Shall we get some breakfast?” I ask, getting a gleeful squeal as my answer. I turn, about to head to the kitchenette where his premade meals are, when I hear a door open. Bishop. My lips curve into a smile despite wishing they wouldn’t. I know I am screwed when it comes to him. I tried to keep my distance, tried to make our relationship just about co-parenting, but even then, I knew I was lying to myself. I love him. That has never changed. “Daddy is back. Let’s go and say hello,” I coo to our son, moving to the door.

Stepping over the threshold, I freeze when I find a man who is not Bishop but looks a lot like him. Same dark hair. Same sharp jawline. I know with everything in me that this man is Bishop’s father.

Fight mode takes over, and I hold Baron tighter. He doesn’t miss the move, and a smirk takes over his lips, but it’s not a nice look. It’s downright evil. “Aria Maxwell, I presume? I take it you know who I am,” he drawls, stepping further into the room.

I swallow, stepping back. “Bishop’s father.” It’s not a question.

He nods. “Xander’sfather, Calvin. I do wish he would go by his given name.”

Just then, Baron makes a noise. Calvin’s sharp gaze moves to my son, and I shift him to my side as if I can hide him. “Ah, this must be my grandson,” he says, taking another step.

“Don’t move any closer,” I hiss.

He glares before chuckling. “Feisty and beautiful. I can see why my son likes you.” His eyes rake over my body lasciviously, and I shudder but not in a good way.

“What do you want? Why are you here?” My voice is confident and strong, but the truth is, I am scared. I don’t know this man, but I do know what Bishop has told me. He orchestrated my sister’s kidnapping. He kept Bishop away from me.
