Page 50 of Inevitable

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I pull at the collar of my white shirt, which feels like it is strangling me. My breathing picks up and I want nothing more than to rip it from my body. Fuck. I feel like I am having a panic attack. I’ve never had one before, but I witnessed my mother having them. It was after she left Calvin. Her anxiety was at an all-time high, constantly in fear of him coming for her. Of coming for me. I briefly wonder what she would think of all this. I haven’t spoken to her since I came back here because I didn’t want to risk Calvin tracing my cell, finding out where my mother is living, and using her to keep me in line.

She would be devastated about all this, though. I know she would.

Dropping to my haunches, I put my head in my hands. My thoughts flit between Aria and Baron. I can’t get the image of them out of my head, and it makes my heart rate kick up again. My breathing comes out heavy as black spots dot my vision, and I sway. Christ, I feel like I am going to die. I would rather that than marry Stacey fucking Parkes.

Pushing to a stand, I turn the faucet on and splash cold water on my face to try and calm my erratic pulse and breathing. A knock on the door has me straightening. “It’s time, Xander. Don’t make me break the door down.” Silas chuckles.

Turning, I stride to the door and unclick the lock. Taking a breath, I make a mental note to kill Silas first. I will take great pleasure in watching the life drain out of his eyes. Even if it’s the last thing I do, Silas dies.



I can’t get ahold of Bishop.

I have sent numerous messages and called him a hundred times but there is no reply.

Something is wrong. I can feel it in my whole being. I have no idea what that something is, but it is causing me severe anxiety.

“Tesoro, please try and relax. I am sure everything is fine.” I glance at my mama, who is sitting on the couch, drinking a glass of red wine.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, I say, “Mama, there is no way Bishop would miss saying goodnight to his son—or me, for that matter. He has been very strict about talking to us before Baron’s bedtime. Something is up. I know it.” I flop down beside her.

Mama runs a hand through my hair, trying to relax me. She used to do it when I was a little girl and was anxious or upset. “Do you have another way of contacting him?”

I shake my head. “No. Only his cell phone number, which he isn’t answering. I don’t even know where he lives.” Defeat slithers through my veins. What the fuck is going on? Is Bishop okay, or did his father hurt him? He waved off his facial injuries at dinner, but I know there was more to it. I just wish he would have told me what the more was so I can at least prepare for times like this.

I am scared. Anxious. I hate the unknown. I hate that this is the situation Bishop and I are in. Hate that he is away from me and the dread I feel. My mind goes to the worst, that maybe he has run again. I shake my head before the thought has time to fully develop. No. I love him. He loves me. And we are going to be a family. He promised me. I just need to trust in that promise—even if I want to kill him for making me feel like this right now.

A door slamming has me startling in my seat. I look at Mama, who shrugs. Footsteps sound, and not a second later, my brother appears in the doorway of the lounge. His gaze shifts between me and Mama. “Hey,” he says, stepping further into the room.


“Hey, sweetheart, everything okay?”

He runs a palm down his face and blows out a breath as he takes a seat in the single Chesterfield chair. “Yeah. Just work kicking my ass.”

Mama chuckles. “No change there. I hope your papa is not pushing too much work on you?”

“Nah. It’s nothing I can’t handle.” He waves my mother’s concerns off. “Dad had a late meeting. I told him I would meet him here.”

“Yeah, he mentioned it. Would you like a glass of wine?” Mama asks.

“Sure,” Evan replies as my mother rises off the couch. “Wait. I can do it.” My brother pushes to a stand.

“Stay. Let me do this for you. You work so hard, darling. Just relax. Can I get you anything, honey?” she asks me.

“I am fine. Thank you, Mama.” She nods before she leaves the room, and my gaze shifts to my brother, who is scrolling through his cell. He looks tense. His jaw is clenched, and his eyes are glaring at the screen like it personally offends him.

“Evan?” His head slowly lifts, his gaze landing on me.


“Is everything okay? You seem…” I trail off, and he raises his brow, silently asking me to continue. “Well, you don’t seem yourself lately.”

He huffs out a laugh. “I’m fine, Aria. Just busy with work.”

“Evan, I know you. Something is going on with you.” It’s not a question but an observation.
