Page 54 of Inevitable

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What happened?

The last thing I remember is being at the penthouse, talking and laughing with my mama and brother. Baron was in bed. I was anxious because I hadn’t heard from Bishop. Mama spilled her wine. I was going to clean up the mess…After that, everything is a blur.

I blink, trying to take in my surroundings. The room is white, sterile, and there is an annoying beeping sound. Panic surges through me when everything clicks into place. I am in the hospital.

“Mama?” I call out through my sore throat, even though I have no idea if she is here.

“Amore mio,” she replies, and I exhale a comforted breath, even if her voice sounds choked. I glance to my left to find her and father hovering over the bed, staring down at me. Although they both look relieved, I can see the concern marring their faces.

“Sweetheart, how are you feeling?” my dad asks as he takes my hand and gently squeezes.

“Like I have been hit by a truck.” I frown and shoot up, only to wince and cry out in pain.

“Tesoro, lay down. You are going to hurt yourself,” Mama scolds.

“Where is Baron?” I’m alert now, panic surging through me when I find my son missing. My eyes dart around the room, landing on my brother. Since they all seem calm, I should maybe relax, but I can’t until I know where Baron is.

My gaze darts back to my mama’s, and her face softens. “He is down the hall with Anais and three guards. We didn’t want to upset him by bringing him in here and seeing you like this. Evan, can you get the doctor?”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I release a shuddering breath as I lay down on the pillow. “Can someone get him for me.” It’s not a question. I want to see my son. See with my own eyes that he is okay.

“I will get him and the doctor,” my brother says, then I hear footsteps and the door opening.

Opening my eyes, I focus on my mother. “What happened?”

My father clears his throat. “We are not sure yet. You were shot, and whoever did it was situated in a building opposite. That’s all we know so far. The police want to speak with us and with you. I have managed to stall them for now. Our priority right now is you, sweetheart.” His lips form a grim line. “But they do want to know your side of what happened, and there is only so long I can put them off. Currently, there is a team of detectives and forensics at the penthouse, trying to determine what happened.” I see the anger in his eyes but also the regret. For as long as I can remember, Christian Maxwell has put his family’s safety above anything else—hence the constant security. So, for something like this to have happened, I just know that he feels like he failed me.

I grip his hand and pin him with a look that I hope conveys the truth in my next words. “It’s not your fault, Dad. Please don’t blame yourself for this. You could not have foreseen something like this happening. You. Did. Not. Fail. Me.” My voice is a hoarse whisper. Mama grabs the bottle of water from the side table and hands it to me.

“I should have protected you better.” My father shakes his head, confirming what I already know. He feels responsible. “You and your sister. Look what happened to her.” He scrubs his free hand down his face.

“Christian, stop. Aria is right. You do everything you can to make sure we are safe. How could we have known someone would target us in our own home? I won’t let you blame yourself for this,” Mama admonishes him.

“Neither will I. None of what happened to me or Thalia is because of you. I won’t sit here and let you guilt yourself for things you had no control over. I—” I am cut off when the door opens, and my brother appears with Baron in his arms.

Before I can stop myself, my eyes fill with tears, and a sob breaks free. My son’s little brows furrow as he watches me, his arms reaching out for me to take him. “Ma-mam-ma.” He babbles as Evan passes him to me. I pull him in close, careful not to hit my wound or the IV drip attached to my hand. Dropping my face to his little neck, I breathe him in and squeeze him tight. Pain shoots through my body, and although I wince, I try to ignore it. I want this moment with my son.

I hug him for a good few minutes before he starts wriggling in my arms. I chuckle as I settle him in between my legs on the bed. Pressing a kiss to his hair, I stroke a finger down his perfect face. “Mama loves you, bambino mio,” I murmur before my eyes move to my parents. “Have you managed to get hold of Bishop? Does he know what happened?” I chew my lip nervously as I wait for someone to answer. Three pairs of eyes watch me. My heart rate spikes, and I know I am not going to like the answer.

It’s my brother who speaks. He shakes his head. “He called your cell just after you were shot. There was so much going on, I couldn’t really talk to him. I was more concerned about you than having to speak to him, to be honest.” He runs a hand through his hair. “No one has heard from him since. I have tried calling the number, but there was no answer.”

I nod, my gaze moving back to Baron. I need to talk to him. Need to find out what the hell is going on. I know my being shot is no coincidence. This is to do with Calvin Hastings, as is the reason Bishop has gone radio silent. “Where is my cell?”

“Back at the penthouse,” Evan responds calmly.

“Can someone bring it to me?”

* * *

After being checked out by the doctor, I spent an hour cuddling with Baron before saying goodbye to him. Evan took him back to the penthouse, where my sister and Theo are waiting. Thalia was insistent on seeing me, but after speaking with her on a video call, I finally convinced her that I was okay, and that more than anything, I needed her to take care of my son. It also helped that my parents agreed to leave the hospital and take over babysitting duties so my sister can come and visit me in the hospital. She agreed, albeit reluctantly.

The thing is, I don’t trust anyone but my family to look after Baron right now. Not until I find out what is going on and the reason as to why I was shot. My gut tells me the answers lay with Bishop, but my brother hasn’t returned with my cell phone yet, so I can’t ask the questions I want to.

I shift on the bed as I try to get comfortable. Pain shoots through me, and I groan. “What is wrong, amore mio?” Mama asks, her brows furrowed in concern.

“I think the painkillers are wearing off. It hurts a lot more than it did when I woke up,” I admit.

“I will go and talk to the doctor,” my father says as he pushes out of his chair and leaves the room.
