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Chapter 1 - Mila

The room buzzed with searing anger, fringing the edges of my vision with red. My hands balled into fists, and the vague feeling of nails digging into my palms seemed so real yet distant somehow.

Clenching my teeth, I stood up against my father despite only being fifteen. He was across from me, as big and menacing as ever with his broad shoulders and hardened features. He pointed a sharp finger at me.

“No daughter of mine will disrespect me in my house!”

My eyes narrowed, and waves of frustration rippled through my system. As if my body were full of lead, I couldn’t move from my place. Instead, I glared at him, seething. “Because I didn’t follow your barbaric instructions?”

Dad gritted his teeth, cutting the distance between us to snarl down at me. “Barbaric, you say? This is nothing. How do you think anything gets done around here?”

“You send your goons to do your bidding! You don’t lift a finger,” I spat back at him, face growing warm. My ears went hot from embarrassment, making me flush completely.

“There was a time when I went out and faced the world with only my bare hands. I cracked enough skulls to get me where I am; my sacrifices were to give you everything you have, and I expect you to be grateful for it!”

His words hit me like a pulse of guilt to my chest, but I couldn’t pull away. I shook my head. “Everything we have is tainted with the blood you spilled. The lives you took! How can I be grateful for that?”

“You can and you will, instead of being an ungrateful brat!” Dad shouted at me, mirroring my look of disgust. “You are my heir, Mila. This will all be yours once you toughen up and leave that bleeding heart of yours behind.”

“I don’t want it. I don’t want any of this!” I screamed back, pushing my nails into my palms hard enough to bite into my skin. “You’re a criminal—a killer, a liar, and a cheat. I’d rather die than take over your sham of a business!”

The sharp clap of his palm collided with my cheek before the sting set in, followed by a burning that accompanied the recoil of my head. I reeled back, astonished, and took a shaky breath. Blinking back at him, I could hardly believe it. The sound revibrated, solidifying exactly what happened in my mind.

Those words echoed in my mind. “Don’t think you’re indispensable, girl. There will always be someone stronger than you. Someone more capable. You can be replaced within seconds.”

A dip in the bed forced my eyes open, nearly blinded by the intense sunlight that poured into the bedroom. Small giggles tore me away from my groggy stupor, followed by the shifting weight as my little one crawled over to me.

I rubbed at my tired eyes with a groan and took a deep breath in before I looked over at Kat, a toothy smile greeting me immediately.

“Wake up, mama,” she said in her soft voice and put her hands on my arm to shake me. Her hair was mussed from sleep, likely the same as mine.

Relief flooded me the moment I realized I had been dreaming.

More like reliving the past,I thought to myself, somewhat crushed by that truth.

“I’m awake,” I murmured to Kat, giving her a fond smile. I held an inviting arm out. “Come here, my love.”

Not needing to be told twice, Kat wriggled her way over to me and tucked herself into my arms, wrapping her own smaller ones around me.

Soaking up the comfort of having her near for as long as I could, I didn’t want to let her go. I kissed the top of her head and was suddenly transported to yet another flashback.

A pair of comforting hands were on me. They belonged to a beautiful man with hair as dark as crow feathers, blue eyes, and a body sculpted by the gods themselves.

Muscle corded his arms as he held me, sparking arousal throughout my system as his skin glided against mine, thoroughly wrapped up in one another.

Hoisting me into the air, he caught me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, along with my legs around his torso. Our kiss was only interrupted by our giddy smiles, surprisingly comfortable for having met for the first time that night.

My senses were wholly consumed by him, starved for what only he could offer me.

His touch brought my body to life, singing for him. Compliant with his demands. His mouth devoured mine, desperate yet sensual with every movement. The flick of his tongue against my lower lip awakened my interest and demolished any remaining inhibitions I had.

Each moan he pulled from my lips was well-earned. Better yet, his low grunts and growls were the biggest reward, letting me know how appeased he was by my pleasure. He was hungry for my sounds of yearning, swallowing each one as they tumbled from my lips.

My body’s sensitivity seemed to lessen beneath his touch, growing numb despite my desire. I strained to feel as much of him as I could, yet it didn’t seem to help. My brows came together in question, and upon looking up at his face, my handsome Russian man dissipated before my eyes.

I shook it off and focused on the mini me in my lap.

“Alright, rug rat. Let’s get some breakfast.”
