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It took every fiber of my being not to growl under my breath, heated all over again about the matter. I wasn’t about to go through with it, even if Ivan said I had to.

Who was dad to sign me up for something like that without even telling me? How could he decide what woman would take our name without giving me that choice?

Every part of it frayed my nerves, and my shoulders tensed. I needed to take care of that.

Finishing off my drink, I stood, letting the girls drop away from me without care. I brushed off my jacket and turned in the other direction.

“Where are you going, Nikolai?”

They all cooed after me, but I shook my head and kept moving. “I need a massage. See you around, girls.”

Their disappointment was palpable, but I didn’t give them a second glance. They didn’t need to see me snap.

Moving through the halls of my hotel, only when the whisky caught up with me quickly did I realize that I hadn’t eaten anything for a while. The booze sat heavily in my stomach; I’d have to rectify that sooner rather than later.

With a grumble to myself, I rounded a corner and spotted the spa, desperate to feel the loosening of my muscles, and the melting of my problems. If only it worked that way.

Just before I could go in, a woman stepped out, nearly colliding with me. Instinctively, my hand reached out to catch her before she could fall, and she peered up at me. Meekly, she blinked in my direction, swallowing hard.

A brief flash of recognition scurried through me, stopping me from letting go of her. I don’t know how, but it felt like I knew her. Brows furrowing, I studied her and tried to recall where I had seen her before.

Whether I knew her or not, the woman was unbelievably beautiful. Even with the growing fear in her eyes, her looks far outweighed that of the models who had clung to me not long prior.

The woman’s face went pale as I took her in, wondering what I’d have to do to take her back to my room.

“I’m so sorry,” she murmured, averting her eyes before I could work the words from my mouth. She pulled away, yanking the strap of her purse further up her arm. A light accent laced her words. “Sorry.”

Before I knew it, the woman had scurried away, far too nervous to even give me the time of day. For whatever reason, I wanted nothing more than to talk to her, but she was already gone. She had a Russian accent too, even if it was faint.

I could’ve chased after her, but I didn’t trust my legs to get me there.

Instead, I continued into the spa and reached the front counter, leaning against my elbow. The receptionist and manager smiled; their faces done up nicely.

“How can I help you, Mr. Morozov?”

Hitching a thumb over my shoulder, I furrowed my brows in question. “What room is that woman staying in, and what’s her name?”

The manager gave me an odd look, hesitant to give me that information. “Sir, what about confidentiality?”

“Fuck confidentiality,” I growled back, lacking patience then. “What’s her name?”

She swallowed hard at that, surely aware of how easily her job could be taken away from her. While apprehensive, the woman turned the sign-in book around for me to see.

“Milly Lucas, huh?” I mumbled, more so to myself.

“She’s staying in room 203.”

The name didn’t ring a bell, but I somehow knew those eyes from somewhere. A deep brown, full of indescribable feelings and thoughts. Soft, yet capable of becoming full of determination. She may have been fearful then, but I doubted that was her norm.

Pulling away from the counter, I stood there, contemplating what had just happened.

This Milly Lucas was otherworldly, and I was sure she was someone worth remembering. I knew what room she was in, but it would likely scare her off if I stomped my way up there and demanded to see her.

It would be best to meet her naturally, but if desperation outweighed my chivalry, other options were always at my disposal.

Before I could leave, the realization came crashing over me, and it pulled the air from my chest. I did know her, and ever since we met, she continued to be the center of my memories from a night I could never forget.

Her name wasn’t Milly.
