Page 59 of By Any Other Name

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“Well.” Councilman Lawrence clears his throat. “I can’t say I’m surprised.”

I turn my head so quickly I’m fairly sure I whip Roman across the face with my hair. “Really?”

He tips his head in something like a shrug, and I’m about to push him further about why he’s not surprised when Roman cuts in. “So, will you do it?”

He assesses us, and I have this feeling like he’s seeing more than just us sitting in front of him. I know there are some witches who are clairvoyant, but I’ve never heard of Councilman Lawrence being one of them. Maybe I’m just paranoid.

“I assume you are trying to avoid standing in front of the entire council, or you wouldn’t have come to me personally.”

I nod, sheepishly. “Right.”

“How do you intend to have witnesses from your own houses?”

I wince. Just like that, he’s managed to pick up on our problem. “Well, we were hoping to act as our own representatives…” I trail off as the Councilman starts shaking his head.

“No. No, that’s not how it’s done.”

“My house isn’t a problem,” Roman says. “My cousin will do it.”

“Right,” I grumble. “It’s just me.”

A wave of bitterness washes over me, that not only am I an only child, but most of my relatives are either dead or so angry at the Montagues they can’t see straight. I sigh, I guess that’s the end of that.

“What about Angelica?” Councilman Lawrence says.

I raise an eyebrow, surprised that Lawrence even knows my aunt’s name. “Would she count?”

He ponders it. “Normally no, but under the circumstances…maybe we could make an exception.”

I smile. “Really?”

He tips his head, as if still unsure if it’s the best idea. “…Yes. Assuming she agrees, of course.”

I feel a rush of affection for the old man. I always liked Councilman Lawrence prior to this year. Maybe he’s just getting old, and his inaction is more about struggling to fulfill all his responsibilities than neglect or political maneuvering. Maybe retirement is the best thing for him.

“Who’s Angelica?” Roman asks, blankly.

“My father’s youngest sister.” I explain, taking a sip of my coffee. “She was my nanny when I was a baby actually.”

Roman furrows his brow. “I didn’t know you had another aunt.”

Aside from the dead one, he means. Tyberius’s mother, who died mysteriously, along with her husband, while I was in prep school. I bite the inside of my cheek.Nope, not going there today.

“Angelica was expelled from the Order some fifteen years ago,” Councilman Lawrence says with the same tone I might say, “Nice weather we’re having.”

I look down, uncomfortable. I know this story, but it’s better that Roman knows I guess, if we’re going to see her. “Aunt Angelica was betrothed at birth just like most Order kids, but it was kind of an unusual situation apparently. My dad said the man was more than twice her age and already pledged when she was born.”

“That doesn’t happen.” Roman says flatly, shifting beside me.

I narrow my eyes. What, so he thinks that because it doesn’t usually happen, I’m what? Lying?

“It did,” Councilman Lawrence says, leaning back in his chair. “I remember the whole thing. While the match would have been advantageous for both families, Angelica grew up to be quite headstrong and didn’t want to go through with it. She embarrassed your grandparents dreadfully by leaving her groom at the altar and running away with a man they didn’t approve of. I believe they disowned her, although I doubt it mattered as she’d already left.”

I blink at him, surprised at how much he knows. “Were you already the head of the council back then?”

He nods. “It wasn’t that long ago in the grand scheme of things.”

“Do you know where she is now?” Roman asks.
